Short:        Shows personal info about oneself in letters.
Author: (Kasper B. Graversen)
Uploader:     c961063 student dtu dk (Kasper B  Graversen)
Type:         util/misc
Replaces:     Userinfo v1.20
Requires:     Amiga ks1.3 or MS-DOS Pc
Architecture: m68k-amigaos

Long:  UserInfo is small program which codes and decodes information
about a person.  The idea is that you insert this coded information in
all, or some of the messages you write, so others can get an idea
about how YOU are.

UserInfo creates a UserInfoData-string (a tagline) from your answers
asked by UserInfo.

UserInfo is E-mail-ware.

New stuff since v1.20

      UserInfo executable file.
        - Age of string implemented.
        - The "... " is no longer needed in the UI string.
        - Changed the way UserInfo asked questions a bit.
        - Magic birthdate- and computeer- formatation.

      UserInfo configuration file.
        - Many lines has been re-written.
        - New questions: "Favourite pet", "Backup", "Other hobby".
        - Added 4 questions.
        - Added 186 answers.
        - Dutch and Italian translations added.

      Amiga Specific.
        - ARexx support for mailreader IntuiPoint.
        - ARexx support for mailreader IntuiNews.
        - ARexx support for mailreader YAM.
        - Bugfix in ARexx script for the mailreader Thor.

      PC Specific.
        - Support for the mailprogram Terminate.

Copyright (C) 1997 by Kasper B. Graversen.
All rights reserved.