Short: Easy use of PGP with YAM, update 1.7 Author: (Michael Praschl) Uploader: e9525802 student tuwien ac at (Michael Praschl) Type: util/rexx Version: PGPwithYAM 1.7 Requires: Workbench V39+, MUI3.8+, YAM, PGP 2.6.3(i) Architecture: m68k-amigaos UPDATING This version features a new script that decrypts a email and overwrites the original (the encrypted email). This has the advantage that you can read the email with YAM. You can alse extract files that were appended to the email before it was encrypted (so the appended files are encrypted, too). Attention: As the original message is overwritten by the decrypted one, anybody who has access to your computer can read it easily. If you don't want anybody to read your personal messages, Use ReadMail.rexx. DecryptMail was written by Roberto Ragusa <> INTRODUCTION The use of PGP is not easy for beginners, and also if you are used to the commands of PGP, you have to use it manually, what is uncomfortable. If you want to sign or encrypt an email, you had to write you text with any editor, encrypt the text (you have to know the user-id of the recipient), start your favorite mailer and include the encrypted text. Why not write the text for your friend with the mailer (YAM) and sign, encrypt, sign & encrypt or read the mail with an arexx-script and select the recipient's user-id from an requester? These arexx-scripts and commands give you the possibility to do such things very easily. REQUIREMENTS As I think anybody who uses his Amiga seriously has WB39, it's required :-) If you don't have V39, GRADE UP! We live in the nineties. (One should have V46 by now, but it's not available:-((( Same goes for MUI. If you're using YAM, the sublibraries of MUI that are needed by SelectPGPKey are loaded already. It seems that PGP versions previous to 2.6.3(i) do not understand the -@ option which I use to read the recipient's ids, so you should upgrade to at least this version. And of course you need YAM. INSTALLATION Easier than it looks! Copy all files except the .readme to YAM:rexx. Now you have to edit all the scripts. Change the variables: pgppath, userid and pubword userid = 'Michael Praschl': Give your name here, if you want to encrypt messages with your key, too, so that you can read them when they are in the send-folder of YAM. pgppath: set this to the path, where your pgp-executeable is. Now edit YAM:.config and make the following entries in the last lines: RexxMenu0 = YAM:rexx/SignMail.rexx RexxMenu1 = YAM:rexx/EncryptMail.rexx RexxMenu2 = YAM:rexx/SignEncryptMail.rexx RexxMenu3 = YAM:rexx/ReadMail.rexx Then you have the scripts in the arexx menu of YAM. You should also set the pager to Multiview or MuchMore in pgp:config.txt: Pager = "c:more" This is not necessary, but helps you when reading encrypted mails. USAGE Signing a mail: Select the mail to sign and select Sign.rexx from the menu. You will be prompted to enter the mantra of your pgpkey in a window where pgp makes it's input/output. Encrypting a mail: Select the mail to encrypt and select Encrypt.rexx from the menu. A requester will show you all public keys you have. You may select one or more keys. This requester was done with MUI. Then you will have to enter the mantra of your pgpkey. If you closed the requester, pgp will ask you for a receipient's id after you entered your mantra. Signing and encrypting a mail: Select the mail and SignEncryptMail.rexx ... (You should know how it works). Read an encrypted mail: To read an encrypted mail select the mail to read an select ReadMail.rexx from the menu (yawn). When you have set you pgp-pager to Multiview or Muchmore or something similar, the plaintext will be displayed with this proggy. This package will be obsolete, with YAM release V2.0 NO WARRANTY There is no warranty for the programs, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Except when otherwise stated in writing the copyright holder and/or other parties provide the programs "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the programs is with you. Should the programs prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing will any copyright holder, or any other party who may redistribute the programs as permitted above, be liable to you for damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the programs (including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or a failure of the programs to operate with any other programs), even if such holder or other party has been advised of the possibility of such damages. (Just to feel good) LEGAL PGPwithYAM.lha is Public Domain. You may use all programms and sources as you want. Exception: This package must not be used by military. (smile) SelectPGPKey is Copyright © by Juergen Kempkes <>. Please contact him if you want to use it for your own projects. HISTORY V1.0 first release, 18-Jun-97 V1.1 24-Jun-97 fixed a bug in SignMail.rexx added version strings changed docs a bit V1.2 2-Jun-97 fixed the bug that destroyed the original mail, if something went wrong V1.3 6-Jul-97 minor bugfixes SignMsg.rexx does now use -t option, so text is readable on systems that have set textmode=off in config.txt V1.4 10-Jul-97 it's now possible to encrypt messages with your own key, too. This makes it possible for you to read encrypted messages in the sent-folder. V1.5 11-Jul-97 added a done-button to SelectKey-requester. This makes it easier to select more than one receipient V1.6 13-Jul-97 replaced SelectKey with SelectPGPKey by Juergen Kempkes. V1.7 08.Okt-97 added DecryptMail.rexx by Roberto Ragusa. AUTHOR If you find some bugs or have some suggestions, free feel to contact me: Snail: Michael Praschl Hohe Warte 7-1-5 1190 Wien AUSTRIA Email: You can find a BIG project of mine at: aminet:gfx/misc/proren.lha