Short:        File Find Database System V1.2
Author: (Lars Unger)
Uploader:     l unger tu-bs de (Lars Unger)
Type:         util/rexx
Version:      1.2
Replaces:     util/rexx/ffds.lha
Requires:     util/rexx/RexxReqTools.lha
Architecture: m68k-amigaos
Kurz:         File/Dir Suche mittels Datenbanken V1.2

   If you ever search a file/directory, you know the problem. You have
   to scan your Harddisk(s)/CDROMs every time you search one and if you
   use a wrong pattern you have to do it again ... I`ve six partitions and
   4 of them, doesn`t change within a month or two. So i decide to write
   a couple of ARexx-Scripts and AmigaGuides to build databases of every
   volume. Now i can use a simply textsearcher to search a file/directory,
   which is must faster than a scan of every volume. If there are a lot of
   changes on a volume i can update it :)

   Special manager:

    - Helpmanager (make index of/search helpfiles)

   - An Amiga with OS3.0 or higher
     (could work with OS>2.04 as well, but i haven`t tested this)

   - RexxReqTools.library

   - about 100kB for the program and some more free space for the

   - about 0.5-2 MB free RAM (every database is first created in RAM)

   ( With XPK you can compress the databases !)


  You need an installed rexxreqtools.library to use the Installprogram. Don`t
  panic, it will delete nothing. It just copy some files in a directory FFDS
  and the shell-script in a DOS-valid executive path (like c:,s:, etc.) and
  add a assign in your user-startup.
