SDDapple-MorphOS.lha |
0.14 |
misc/emu |
1858 |
99K |
2005-10-06 |
An Apple ][+ and //e emulator - (readme) |
SDDApple.lha |
0.20SA(G) |
misc/emu |
1280 |
311K |
2006-03-01 |
Apple II emulator. - (readme) |
SDLTRS.lha |
1.1.0 |
misc/emu |
1328 |
1.9M |
2011-03-09 |
TRS-80 Model I/III/4/4P emulator - (readme) |
SetHardFileWB.lha |
1.1 |
misc/emu |
1010 |
4K |
1997-09-25 |
Workbench selector for MSHF: and buffers - (readme) |
SetTDRetry.lha |
misc/emu |
1093 |
3K |
1994-05-05 |
Speeds up CrossDOS disk recognition. - (readme) |
SEXeDiss05Beta.lha |
0.5 Beta |
misc/emu |
904 |
22K |
1995-10-20 |
Microsoft Windows NE dissasembler - (readme) |
SEXeHeader2.0.lha |
2.0 |
misc/emu |
914 |
39K |
1995-10-10 |
Microsoft Windows NE header reader - (readme) |
sge.lha |
1.6 PPC/1.4 68k |
misc/emu |
1160 |
88K |
2005-02-16 |
The Spectrum Graphics Editor/Ripper - (readme) |
ShapeCZCat.lha |
misc/emu |
916 |
6K |
1996-11-21 |
Czech catalog for ShapeShifter 3.6 - (readme) |
ShapeShifter311.lha |
3.11 |
misc/emu |
3847 |
281K |
2001-01-29 |
Macintosh II emulator, V3.11 - (readme) |
ShapeShifterGR.lha |
misc/emu |
1238 |
3K |
2000-12-17 |
Greek locale catalog for ShapeShifter - (readme) |
ShapeShifter_src.lha |
3.11 |
misc/emu |
2091 |
317K |
2017-04-20 |
ShapeShifter source code - (readme) |
ShowLNX.lha |
0.7 |
misc/emu |
933 |
15K |
2002-07-07 |
Displays info about the Atari Lynx cart images - (readme) |
ShowLNX_AOS4.lha |
0.7 |
misc/emu |
1008 |
60K |
2006-08-10 |
Show info about Atari Lynx cart images - (readme) |
ShShSurvey.lha |
misc/emu |
935 |
3K |
1996-07-19 |
Shapeshifter-Survey,PLEASE ANSWER - (readme) |
ShShSurveyRes.lha |
misc/emu |
875 |
10K |
1996-09-02 |
RESULTS from the ShapeShifter survey - (readme) |
siemu-os4.lha |
1.03 |
misc/emu |
1101 |
319K |
2008-02-13 |
A Space Invaders Arcade Emulator - (readme) |
siem_aos4.lha |
1.03 |
misc/emu |
1064 |
319K |
2006-08-30 |
A Space Invaders Arcade Emulator - (readme) |
SIM4004.lha |
1.0.1 |
misc/emu |
970 |
135K |
2003-11-16 |
Intel 4004 processor simulator (1.0) - (readme) |
simcoupe.lha |
1.0 |
misc/emu |
1376 |
1.1M |
2006-07-28 |
SAM Coupé Emulator - (readme) |
SimCPM.lha |
2.3 |
misc/emu |
1229 |
87K |
1989-02-26 |
CP/M simulator, 8080 + H19 terminal. V2.3 - (readme) |
SimDisk.lha |
misc/emu |
1225 |
14K |
1995-04-30 |
List/extract/save to/from d64 file. - (readme) |
smdplay.lha |
misc/emu |
1247 |
1K |
2008-01-06 |
Amiga megadrive utility - (readme) |
smsplus.lha |
1.2 |
misc/emu |
1048 |
391K |
2005-03-13 |
Sega Master System / Game Gear emulator - (readme) |
SMSplusWOS.lha |
0.9.3 |
misc/emu |
1504 |
173K |
2007-03-18 |
Sega Mastersystem/Game Gear emulator - (readme) |
smsplus_mos.lha |
1.4b |
misc/emu |
2099 |
343K |
2013-06-30 |
Sega SMS/GameGear emulator for MorphOS - (readme) |
sms_sdl-0.9.4a-r7.1-ARO.lha |
0.9.4a-r7.1 |
misc/emu |
995 |
198K |
2006-03-28 |
SMS Plus (SDL) for AROS - (readme) |
sna2tiff-mos.lha |
0.5 |
misc/emu |
1233 |
12K |
2007-05-12 |
ZX Snapshot to TIFF Converter - (readme) |
sna2tiff.lha |
misc/emu |
899 |
21K |
1996-01-20 |
Sna2Tiff - Dumps ZX Spectrum Snapshots to TIFF Picture - (readme) |
sna2tiff_aos4.lha |
misc/emu |
1004 |
75K |
2006-08-10 |
Dumps ZX Spectrum Snapshots to TIFF Pic - (readme) |
snapconv-mos.lha |
0.10 |
misc/emu |
1085 |
206K |
2005-11-27 |
Spectrum snapshot converter - (readme) |
snapconv-os4.lha |
misc/emu |
965 |
420K |
2008-03-05 |
Spectrum snapshot converter - (readme) |
snapconv.i386-aros.lha |
0.10 |
misc/emu |
632 |
201K |
2020-09-28 |
ZX Spectrum snapshot converter - (readme) |
snaplist-os4.lha |
1.00 |
misc/emu |
958 |
16K |
2008-03-05 |
Extracts the Basic listing from .sna - (readme) |
Snd2Mid.lha |
misc/emu |
1044 |
78K |
1998-01-23 |
Converts NES, GB, MS, GG .SND songs to MIDI - (readme) |
snes9x-wos.lha |
misc/emu |
1353 |
419K |
1999-10-15 |
Snes9X / Amiga v1.26 (WarpOS port) - (readme) |
snes9x.lha |
1.43 |
misc/emu |
1885 |
778K |
2006-12-13 |
SNES emulator - (readme) |
SNES9xGUI2_3.lha |
misc/emu |
1215 |
107K |
2002-07-13 |
Probably the best GUI for SNES9x/WarpSNES - (readme) |
snes9xstarter-2.3.lha |
2.3 |
misc/emu |
1795 |
37K |
2006-02-02 |
MUI interface for MorphOS port of SNES9x - (readme) |
SnesMUI.lha |
0.2 |
misc/emu |
478 |
2.5M |
2022-11-07 |
MUI interface for Snes9x emulator - (readme) |
SOPE.lha |
misc/emu |
1101 |
312K |
2000-05-03 |
Sony Playstation emulator for WarpUP, v000502 - (readme) |
SPConv.lha |
1.10 |
misc/emu |
922 |
53K |
1996-09-11 |
V1.10 - Convert ZX snaps (.SIT etc) - (readme) |
spconv109.lha |
misc/emu |
891 |
60K |
1996-01-20 |
SPConv V1.09 - Converts between ZX Spectrum Snapshot formats - (readme) |
spconv_os4.lha |
1.10 |
misc/emu |
1053 |
50K |
2006-01-20 |
Spectrum emulator snapshot file converter - (readme) |
SPCRecord.lha |
0.90 (11.12.98) |
misc/emu |
1047 |
25K |
1998-12-13 |
SNES9x SPC-700 emulator V0.90 (11.12.98) - (readme) |
SPCRecordPPC.lha |
0.90 (11.12.98) |
misc/emu |
889 |
59K |
1999-01-30 |
PPC SPC-700 emulator V0.90 (11.12.98) - (readme) |
SpecConvert106.lha |
misc/emu |
971 |
35K |
1994-04-14 |
Converter for different Spectrum emulator files. - (readme) |
Speccylator-src.lha |
1.0 |
misc/emu |
1363 |
159K |
2007-07-12 |
Source code for Speccylator - (readme) |
Speccylator.lha |
1.0 |
misc/emu |
1629 |
130K |
1997-01-15 |
Speccylator 1.0, a Sinclair ZX Spectrum (48k) emulator - (readme) |
spectrum-1.7.lha |
misc/emu |
1571 |
163K |
1995-06-25 |
Emulates a 48k Sinclair Spectrum computer. - (readme) |