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Short:ANAIIS USB Boot disk Release 1.25
Author:Gilles Pelletier
Uploader:gilles pelletier live fr (Gilles Pelletier)
Version:1.25 (20-Jan-2025)
Requires:Highway or Subway from E3B, usb scsi disk, bootable disk
Download:driver/other/anaiis_boot.lha - View contents

This package is intent to produce a boot disk, able to mount and boot
a rescue system.
With these files you can make a bootable disk able to launch several
clean systems depending on the rom version.


Requirement & Installation
- Amiga 680x0, 1MB
- Highway or Subway.
- Workbench 1.3 (because it's the smallest)
- A bootable 1.3 disk
- pfs3 for 1.3 (aminet)
- a usb scsi disk, prepared and partitioned with wanted systems (1.3, 2.04, 2.1, 3.0, 3.1, ...)
(note that 1.3 is a kind of 1.2 with autoboot, so 1.2 works too with this disk)

anaiis  freshest updates of ANAIIS
c       original 1.3 c commands (hups, still under copyright...)
devs    freshest updates of ANAIIS too
libs    the anaiisresident.library, usable with usbctrl and loadmodule
l       handlers 1.3 compatible + pfs3 (Thanks Toni Wilen...)
s       the startup sequence

 1) format an OFS disk (488 block size)
 2) install df0: (install 1.3 !! to make it bootable)
 3) launch the script batch Copy_df0

 4) prepare the usb disk (partionning, pfs3 format)
 5) install the systems in separate directories
 6) copy the multiboot file into systems (for boot speedup)

 7) boot with the disk, ignore the requester.
 8) setup the stack, save changes.
 9) plug the usb disk and the disk.

10) boot!

Place the usbrefresh icon in the WBStartup drawer.
When the Workbench is ready, it will load the .usbfd drivers present in the system disk.
Remove unused .usbfd drivers, they take up memory space.

- Make all this stuff romable...

Known Bugs
- not really fast (but better than disks ~25kB/s (up to ~50kB/s)).
- disgraceous colors when booting in 3.1.(suppress echo commands in
  the multiboot script to keep the black screen)

V1.25 18-Jan-2025 Fix class, subclass, protocol, altsetting, interfacenum
      12-Jan-2025 Fix ghost vendor:product for .usbfd drivers
      11-Jan-2025 Fix massive splash screen
      01-Jan-2025 updates

V1.24 23-Apr-2024 Fix Massive for most usb keys
      18-Feb-2024 remove c.o for massive (bug with output, keeping the cli open with WB1.3)
      12-Feb-2024 updates

V1.23 31-Jul-2023 updates
      14-May-2023 fix traces
      23-Apr-2023 inbedding usbtrace
      02-Apr-2023 updates

V1.22 29-Oct-2022 updates

V1.21 01-Jun-2021 1.3 fixes
      20-May-2021 updates

V1.18 04-Oct-2018 updates for 3.1.4
                  Suppress uh3: references
                  PFS3 19.2 updates
V1.12 31-May-2017 Clint's birthday
      27-Mar-2017 updates

V1.11 20-Mar-2015 updates
      01-Jan-2015 PFS3 updates (14-May-2014)
      31-Dec-2014 ANAIIS release 1.11 updates, fixes for 2.1

V1.10 01-May-2014 PFS3 updates
      12-Jan-2014 ANAIIS release 1.10 updates

V1.09 02-Dec-2013 anaiisresident.library fixes
      25-Sep-2013 ANAIIS release 1.09 updates, fixes for 2.04

V1.08 10-Feb-2013 Add NoRequests command, anoying requesters are suppressed
      04-Feb-2013 ANAIIS release 1.08 updates

V1.07 24-Dec-2012 PFS3 updates
      16-Dec-2012 SnowWhite version

V1.06 11-Nov-2012 PFS3 all in one updates (*Many Thanks* Toni Wilen :) ...)
      10-Nov-2012 Simplify the startup-sequence
      02-Oct-2012 PFS3 updates
      30-Sep-2012 ANAIIS release 1.06, PFS3 updates
V1.05 20-May-2012 Begins

Contact address
Any mail, comments, suggestions, documentations are welcome!

Please send a mail with the title "ANAIIS" at the following mail address
gilles dot pelletier at voila dot fr

Enjoy USB booting on old classic Amiga.
And remember: Only Amiga makes it possible!

Contents of driver/other/anaiis_boot.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[Amiga]                  46589   92924  50.1% -lh5- c0e2 Feb 16 19:09 Anaiis_boot/anaiis/Anaiis
[Amiga]                   7589   11600  65.4% -lh5- f275 Dec 27  2018 Anaiis_boot/anaiis/info_13
[Amiga]                  21844   43164  50.6% -lh5- 6a41 Mar 10 18:23 Anaiis_boot/anaiis/massive
[Amiga]                   6201   10268  60.4% -lh5- ee9b Jan  1 13:14 Anaiis_boot/anaiis/unmount
[Amiga]                   7321   11932  61.4% -lh5- 427a Jan 18 20:46 Anaiis_boot/anaiis/usbctrl
[Amiga]                   7175   11348  63.2% -lh5- cbc9 Sep 20 20:05 Anaiis_boot/anaiis/usbtrace
[Amiga]                   3209    4976  64.5% -lh5- ae38 Jan  1 13:14 Anaiis_boot/anaiis/waitforboot
[Amiga]                   1822    3954  46.1% -lh5- 8299 Feb  9 10:46 Anaiis_boot/anaiis_boot.readme
[Amiga]                    502     648  77.5% -lh5- daa6 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Ask
[Amiga]                   1725    3008  57.3% -lh5- aa56 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Assign
[Amiga]                   1231    1964  62.7% -lh5- 53ac Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Avail
[Amiga]                    717     956  75.0% -lh5- 4937 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Break
[Amiga]                   1096    1756  62.4% -lh5- 9f5a Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/CD
[Amiga]                    792    1072  73.9% -lh5- 5b1a Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/ChangeTaskPri
[Amiga]                   5012    9848  50.9% -lh5- 37ee Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Copy
[Amiga]                   3314    6124  54.1% -lh5- 0ebc Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Delete
[Amiga]                   4546    8772  51.8% -lh5- 0d71 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Dir
[Amiga]                    720     992  72.6% -lh5- 9a06 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Echo
[Amiga]                  10003   19564  51.1% -lh5- 7f69 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Ed
[Amiga]                    633     860  73.6% -lh5- c995 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Else
[Amiga]                    558     696  80.2% -lh5- 371f Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/EndCLI
[Amiga]                     34      40  85.0% -lh5- 6bd7 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/EndIf
[Amiga]                     34      40  85.0% -lh5- 6bd7 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/EndSkip
[Amiga]                   2483    4712  52.7% -lh5- 4142 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Execute
[Amiga]                    703    1028  68.4% -lh5- 379d Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Failat
[Amiga]                   1637    2688  60.9% -lh5- 0bfa Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Fault
[Amiga]                    666     916  72.7% -lh5- 48e2 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/GetEnv
[Amiga]                   2214    3884  57.0% -lh5- b0ec Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/IconX
[Amiga]                   1469    2536  57.9% -lh5- 959a Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/If
[Amiga]                   1408    2436  57.8% -lh5- 7d17 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Install
[Amiga]                     34      40  85.0% -lh5- 6bd7 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Lab
[Amiga]                    541     768  70.4% -lh5- e36a Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Makedir
[Amiga]                   2975    5432  54.8% -lh5- e9c0 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Mount
[Amiga]                   1548    2788  55.5% -lh5- dd56 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/NewCLI
[Amiga]                   1540    2752  56.0% -lh5- 8541 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/NewShell
[Amiga]                    621     840  73.9% -lh5- a406 Feb 16 14:24 Anaiis_boot/c/norequests
[Amiga]                    700    1036  67.6% -lh5- ea98 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Quit
[Amiga]                   1569    2568  61.1% -lh5- af0a Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Run
[Amiga]                    829    1204  68.9% -lh5- 44d6 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Skip
[Amiga]                    628     872  72.0% -lh5- b401 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Stack
[Amiga]                   1196    1772  67.5% -lh5- 5a17 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Status
[Amiga]                   1347    2284  59.0% -lh5- b707 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Type
[Amiga]                   1604    2680  59.9% -lh5- a44b Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Version
[Amiga]                    977    1424  68.6% -lh5- 8a25 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/c/Wait
[Amiga]                    420    1497  28.1% -lh5- afd7 Apr  2  2023 Anaiis_boot/Copy_df0_resident
[Amiga]                    195     834  23.4% -lh5- 728a Feb 18  2024 Anaiis_boot/
[Amiga]                   3920    6496  60.3% -lh5- 704d Mar 10 19:20 Anaiis_boot/devs/ieee1284.device
[Amiga]                    123     232  53.0% -lh5- 7963 Sep 29  2013 Anaiis_boot/devs/system-configuration
[Amiga]                   3350    5524  60.6% -lh5- d078 Jan  5 18:01 Anaiis_boot/devs/usbscsi.device
[Amiga]                   8313   12204  68.1% -lh5- 0de5 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/l/FastFileSystem
[Amiga]                   3792    7532  50.3% -lh5- 11ec Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/l/Newcon-Handler
[Amiga]                  37882   59120  64.1% -lh5- 493c Oct  2  2018 Anaiis_boot/l/pfs3
[Amiga]                   3088    6464  47.8% -lh5- 223e Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/l/Ram-Handler
[Amiga]                    258     628  41.1% -lh5- 42aa Mar 30  2013 Anaiis_boot/
[Amiga]                  38466   76324  50.4% -lh5- 8caf Feb 17 19:45 Anaiis_boot/libs/anaiisresident.library
[Amiga]                   3107    5688  54.6% -lh5- c008 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/libs/icon.library
[Amiga]                    290     404  71.8% -lh5- 6cd7 Aug 13  1988 Anaiis_boot/libs/version.library
[Amiga]                     93     694  13.4% -lh5- 633b Feb 18  2024 Anaiis_boot/s/anaiis.prefs
[Amiga]                    683    3285  20.8% -lh5- 09e8 Jun  1  2021 Anaiis_boot/s/multiboot
[Amiga]                    423     921  45.9% -lh5- 2896 Feb 18  2024 Anaiis_boot/s/startup-sequence_res
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        60 files  263759  479013  55.1%            Mar 10 23:25
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