84782 packages online
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============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
15 15 0.0% 22-Dec-92 13:57:08 .backdrop
204 151 25.9% 21-Dec-91 14:40:38 +cls
1380 944 31.5% 21-Dec-91 14:40:42 +ctrl
3016 2915 3.3% 13-Sep-92 16:31:04 +mm
7153 1785 75.0% 22-Jul-93 07:36:18 Disk.info
71156 30966 56.4% 10-Mar-93 08:28:18 Erbe2
142 70 50.7% 10-Mar-93 07:18:14 Erbe2.GAME
898 637 29.0% 07-Feb-93 23:43:18 Erbe2.info
632 281 55.5% 30-Apr-93 21:28:58 ErbeDrawer.info
432 196 54.6% 10-Mar-93 01:30:40 INSTALL
1848 1114 39.7% 10-Nov-89 21:52:08 +Disk-Validator
4964 2607 47.4% 10-Nov-89 21:53:28 +diskfont.library
5688 3107 45.3% 10-Nov-89 21:53:32 +icon.library
22597 14781 34.5% 12-Jan-93 16:46:14 +BahnhofDorf.fdl
4805 1070 77.7% 25-Dec-92 22:17:26 +BahnhofDorfObj.fdl
24083 13165 45.3% 08-Dec-92 19:08:48 +BahnhofStadt.fdl
4038 1005 75.1% 08-Dec-92 19:10:40 +BahnhofStadtObj.fdl
27247 11717 56.9% 17-Nov-92 14:01:38 +Bank.fdl
8939 3514 60.6% 08-Dec-92 19:09:42 +BankObj.fdl
20989 11498 45.2% 23-Feb-93 20:17:18 +Bauprojekt.fdl
3937 997 74.6% 25-Dec-92 22:20:22 +BauprojektObj.fdl
15114 7919 47.6% 12-Dec-92 12:37:18 +Ende.fdl
1456 382 73.7% 06-Oct-92 17:01:42 +Erbe2Font.dat
17434 9818 43.6% 11-Jan-93 02:06:06 +Fahrzeugladen.fdl
4536 1513 66.6% 08-Dec-92 19:13:16 +FahrzeugladenObj.fdl
20287 10994 45.8% 12-Dec-92 12:35:48 +HausInBergen.fdl
718 295 58.9% 12-Dec-92 12:36:04 +HausInBergenObj.fdl
20398 10610 47.9% 05-Nov-92 04:32:58 +HausVonPeter.fdl
2401 623 74.0% 08-Dec-92 19:10:08 +HausVonPeterObj.fdl
20663 9298 55.0% 08-Dec-92 19:08:10 +HiBBad.fdl
5344 1801 66.2% 08-Dec-92 19:12:04 +HiBBadObj.fdl
19489 10117 48.0% 08-Dec-92 19:08:30 +HiBWohnzimmer.fdl
10396 2840 72.6% 08-Dec-92 19:11:20 +HiBWohnzimmerObj.fdl
15147 8501 43.8% 23-Feb-93 18:30:00 +Icons.fdl
3512 1506 57.1% 12-Dec-92 12:36:50 +Intro1.fdl
3412 1580 53.6% 12-Dec-92 12:36:58 +Intro2.fdl
3207 1337 58.3% 12-Dec-92 12:37:06 +Intro3.fdl
4313 2108 51.1% 20-Jan-93 17:25:40 +Intro4.fdl
6634 3155 52.4% 20-Jan-93 17:25:48 +Intro5.fdl
26405 19926 24.5% 11-Dec-92 12:04:22 +Karte.fdl
7086 1125 84.1% 20-Oct-92 20:03:02 +Menu.fdl
21723 9286 57.2% 25-Dec-92 22:19:32 +Notar.fdl
4758 689 85.5% 25-Dec-92 22:19:54 +NotarObj.fdl
37546 19794 47.2% 23-Feb-93 18:28:52 +Passage.fdl
15062 5471 63.6% 08-Dec-92 11:46:26 +PassageObj.fdl
30243 9687 67.9% 25-Oct-92 17:17:14 +Peter.fdl
12539 4663 62.8% 25-Dec-92 22:18:02 +PeterBad.fdl
14326 2799 80.4% 12-Jan-93 23:52:04 +PeterBadObj.fdl
13908 8015 42.3% 11-Jan-93 02:07:08 +PeterLolita.fdl
16996 8008 52.8% 25-Dec-92 22:19:12 +PeterWohnzimmer.fdl
5833 1689 71.0% 25-Dec-92 22:18:54 +PeterWohnzimmerObj.fdl
17732 9279 47.6% 17-Nov-92 14:01:00 +Reisebuero.fdl
5379 2107 60.8% 08-Dec-92 19:12:34 +ReisebueroObj.fdl
19317 9828 49.1% 11-Jan-93 02:06:24 +Schuppen.fdl
3406 1368 59.8% 11-Jan-93 02:06:40 +SchuppenObj.fdl
17589 10158 42.2% 12-Jan-93 16:46:28 +Supermarkt.fdl
1352 353 73.8% 08-Dec-92 19:13:40 +SupermarktObj.fdl
25012 19539 21.8% 12-Dec-92 12:36:30 +Titel.fdl
24855 14973 39.7% 17-Nov-92 14:01:18 +VorReisebuero.fdl
1818 720 60.3% 08-Dec-92 19:12:54 +VorReisebueroObj.fdl
0 0 0.0% 22-Jul-93 07:52:12 +int
6 6 0.0% 22-Jul-93 07:51:40 +startup-sequence
15196 3795 75.0% 29-Nov-92 15:13:20 +mdat.Erbe2
64336 54187 15.7% 29-Nov-92 15:13:08 +smpl.Erbe2
5780 3003 48.0% 13-Nov-91 18:16:52 +tfmx.obj
232 140 39.6% 31-Mar-93 23:11:14 system-configuration
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
797059 407540 48.8% 02-Sep-95 00:00:00 66 files
Contents of game/misc/Das_Erbe2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 15 15 100.0% -lh0- e719 Dec 22 1992 .backdrop
[generic] 151 204 74.0% -lh5- 6dcc Dec 21 1991 c/cls
[generic] 944 1380 68.4% -lh5- 72f1 Dec 21 1991 c/ctrl
[generic] 2915 3016 96.7% -lh5- edb1 Sep 13 1992 c/mm
[generic] 1785 7153 25.0% -lh5- 1069 Jul 22 1993 Disk.info
[generic] 30966 71156 43.5% -lh5- 7110 Mar 10 1993 Erbe2
[generic] 70 142 49.3% -lh5- 9565 Mar 10 1993 Erbe2.GAME
[generic] 637 898 70.9% -lh5- 6949 Feb 7 1993 Erbe2.info
[generic] 281 632 44.5% -lh5- d268 Apr 30 1993 ErbeDrawer.info
[generic] 196 432 45.4% -lh5- ea17 Mar 10 1993 install
[generic] 1114 1848 60.3% -lh5- eacb Nov 10 1989 l/Disk-Validator
[generic] 2607 4964 52.5% -lh5- f31b Nov 10 1989 libs/diskfont.library
[generic] 3107 5688 54.6% -lh5- c008 Nov 10 1989 libs/icon.library
[generic] 14781 22597 65.4% -lh5- 5b33 Jan 12 1993 Pictures/BahnhofDorf.fdl
[generic] 1070 4805 22.3% -lh5- 1028 Dec 25 1992 Pictures/BahnhofDorfObj.fdl
[generic] 13165 24083 54.7% -lh5- 890e Dec 8 1992 Pictures/BahnhofStadt.fdl
[generic] 1005 4038 24.9% -lh5- d181 Dec 8 1992 Pictures/BahnhofStadtObj.fdl
[generic] 11717 27247 43.0% -lh5- 741b Nov 17 1992 Pictures/Bank.fdl
[generic] 3514 8939 39.3% -lh5- 4041 Dec 8 1992 Pictures/BankObj.fdl
[generic] 11498 20989 54.8% -lh5- 8f1f Feb 23 1993 Pictures/Bauprojekt.fdl
[generic] 997 3937 25.3% -lh5- d73e Dec 25 1992 Pictures/BauprojektObj.fdl
[generic] 7919 15114 52.4% -lh5- 050d Dec 12 1992 Pictures/Ende.fdl
[generic] 382 1456 26.2% -lh5- ae46 Oct 6 1992 Pictures/Erbe2Font.dat
[generic] 9818 17434 56.3% -lh5- 77ff Jan 11 1993 Pictures/Fahrzeugladen.fdl
[generic] 1513 4536 33.4% -lh5- be5b Dec 8 1992 Pictures/FahrzeugladenObj.fdl
[generic] 10994 20287 54.2% -lh5- cdd3 Dec 12 1992 Pictures/HausInBergen.fdl
[generic] 295 718 41.1% -lh5- 0548 Dec 12 1992 Pictures/HausInBergenObj.fdl
[generic] 10610 20398 52.0% -lh5- f9e2 Nov 5 1992 Pictures/HausVonPeter.fdl
[generic] 623 2401 25.9% -lh5- e101 Dec 8 1992 Pictures/HausVonPeterObj.fdl
[generic] 9298 20663 45.0% -lh5- b290 Dec 8 1992 Pictures/HiBBad.fdl
[generic] 1801 5344 33.7% -lh5- f452 Dec 8 1992 Pictures/HiBBadObj.fdl
[generic] 10117 19489 51.9% -lh5- 0300 Dec 8 1992 Pictures/HiBWohnzimmer.fdl
[generic] 2840 10396 27.3% -lh5- 9569 Dec 8 1992 Pictures/HiBWohnzimmerObj.fdl
[generic] 8501 15147 56.1% -lh5- f300 Feb 23 1993 Pictures/Icons.fdl
[generic] 1506 3512 42.9% -lh5- 5a58 Dec 12 1992 Pictures/Intro1.fdl
[generic] 1580 3412 46.3% -lh5- bab3 Dec 12 1992 Pictures/Intro2.fdl
[generic] 1337 3207 41.7% -lh5- 4d24 Dec 12 1992 Pictures/Intro3.fdl
[generic] 2108 4313 48.9% -lh5- 8226 Jan 20 1993 Pictures/Intro4.fdl
[generic] 3155 6634 47.6% -lh5- f847 Jan 20 1993 Pictures/Intro5.fdl
[generic] 19926 26405 75.5% -lh5- 336b Dec 11 1992 Pictures/Karte.fdl
[generic] 1125 7086 15.9% -lh5- 47b9 Oct 20 1992 Pictures/Menu.fdl
[generic] 9286 21723 42.7% -lh5- 954f Dec 25 1992 Pictures/Notar.fdl
[generic] 689 4758 14.5% -lh5- c6d5 Dec 25 1992 Pictures/NotarObj.fdl
[generic] 19794 37546 52.7% -lh5- 6db2 Feb 23 1993 Pictures/Passage.fdl
[generic] 5471 15062 36.3% -lh5- b207 Dec 8 1992 Pictures/PassageObj.fdl
[generic] 9687 30243 32.0% -lh5- 9f30 Oct 25 1992 Pictures/Peter.fdl
[generic] 4663 12539 37.2% -lh5- 798e Dec 25 1992 Pictures/PeterBad.fdl
[generic] 2799 14326 19.5% -lh5- aacc Jan 12 1993 Pictures/PeterBadObj.fdl
[generic] 8015 13908 57.6% -lh5- d369 Jan 11 1993 Pictures/PeterLolita.fdl
[generic] 8008 16996 47.1% -lh5- a779 Dec 25 1992 Pictures/PeterWohnzimmer.fdl
[generic] 1689 5833 29.0% -lh5- 1862 Dec 25 1992 Pictures/PeterWohnzimmerObj.fdl
[generic] 9279 17732 52.3% -lh5- dc6a Nov 17 1992 Pictures/Reisebuero.fdl
[generic] 2107 5379 39.2% -lh5- ccf4 Dec 8 1992 Pictures/ReisebueroObj.fdl
[generic] 9828 19317 50.9% -lh5- 5fa0 Jan 11 1993 Pictures/Schuppen.fdl
[generic] 1368 3406 40.2% -lh5- af47 Jan 11 1993 Pictures/SchuppenObj.fdl
[generic] 10158 17589 57.8% -lh5- 1846 Jan 12 1993 Pictures/Supermarkt.fdl
[generic] 353 1352 26.1% -lh5- 88c0 Dec 8 1992 Pictures/SupermarktObj.fdl
[generic] 19539 25012 78.1% -lh5- 875b Dec 12 1992 Pictures/Titel.fdl
[generic] 14973 24855 60.2% -lh5- 8c37 Nov 17 1992 Pictures/VorReisebuero.fdl
[generic] 720 1818 39.6% -lh5- 38a8 Dec 8 1992 Pictures/VorReisebueroObj.fdl
[generic] 0 0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Jul 22 1993 s/int
[generic] 6 6 100.0% -lh0- 5eac Jul 22 1993 s/startup-sequence
[generic] 3795 15196 25.0% -lh5- cd64 Nov 29 1992 Songs/mdat.Erbe2
[generic] 54187 64336 84.2% -lh5- fb1b Nov 29 1992 Songs/smpl.Erbe2
[generic] 3003 5780 52.0% -lh5- abb8 Nov 13 1991 Songs/tfmx.obj
[generic] 140 232 60.3% -lh5- 2217 Mar 31 1993 system-configuration
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 66 files 407540 797059 51.1% Sep 2 1995
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