84782 packages online
game/misc/Energiemanager.lha |
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============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
10140 3761 62.9% 21-Jul-93 11:13:28 Anleitung
9728 8347 14.1% 27-Feb-93 16:50:52 Arbeitsamt_Notiz_BMP
11264 10271 8.8% 27-Feb-93 16:50:54 Arbeitsamt_Pinnwand_BMP
2048 1164 43.1% 27-Feb-93 16:50:38 Architektur_Extras_BMP
8704 7864 9.6% 27-Feb-93 16:50:36 Architektur_Hauptmenu_BMP
7168 6250 12.8% 27-Feb-93 16:50:40 Architektur_Kosten_BMP
7680 6643 13.5% 27-Feb-93 16:50:38 Architektur_Umfang_BMP
1024 781 23.7% 27-Feb-93 16:50:54 Bahnhof_BMP
24576 23120 5.9% 27-Feb-93 16:50:58 Bank_BMP
27648 25723 6.9% 27-Feb-93 16:50:34 Bauplaetze_Background_BMP
2192 1100 49.8% 27-Feb-93 16:51:42 BMWI
763 305 60.0% 27-Feb-93 16:51:44 BMWI.info
280 191 31.7% 01-Aug-80 21:55:44 +add21
4060 2234 44.9% 14-Mar-89 10:24:22 +SetMap
2284 1347 41.0% 13-Aug-88 18:03:24 +Type
7680 6650 13.4% 27-Feb-93 16:51:00 Computer_BMP
1016 622 38.7% 31-Dec-88 19:35:00 +BMWI
2560 1976 22.8% 27-Feb-93 16:50:50 Einrichtung_Background_BMP
14336 13228 7.7% 27-Feb-93 16:50:50 Einrichtung_Hauptmenu_BMP
13312 12290 7.6% 27-Feb-93 16:51:02 Erde_BMP
1536 1194 22.2% 27-Feb-93 16:51:44 Extra_Leiste_BMP
11776 10575 10.1% 27-Feb-93 16:50:42 Fahrzeuge_BMP
24064 22654 5.8% 27-Feb-93 16:50:00 Hauptmenu_Berlin_BMP
19456 18373 5.5% 27-Feb-93 16:50:02 Hauptmenu_Bonn_BMP
18432 17435 5.4% 27-Feb-93 16:50:04 Hauptmenu_Dresden_BMP
19968 18617 6.7% 27-Feb-93 16:50:08 Hauptmenu_Duesseldorf_BMP
18944 17608 7.0% 27-Feb-93 16:50:10 Hauptmenu_Frankfurt_BMP
20480 19436 5.0% 27-Feb-93 16:50:12 Hauptmenu_Hamburg_BMP
19456 18040 7.2% 27-Feb-93 16:50:16 Hauptmenu_Leipzig_BMP
18944 17863 5.7% 27-Feb-93 16:50:18 Hauptmenu_Muenchen_BMP
18432 17365 5.7% 01-Jan-80 00:18:10 Hauptmenu_Reutlingen_BMP
18432 16789 8.9% 27-Feb-93 16:49:56 Hauptsitz_BMP
894 341 61.8% 10-Oct-10 07:17:24 Info-Datei
3628 1642 54.7% 27-Feb-93 16:50:16 Install
224 123 45.0% 16-May-93 15:02:46 Menu
83377 57810 30.6% 27-Feb-93 16:51:40 Musik
1024 588 42.5% 27-Feb-93 16:50:22 Place_Line_Berlin_BMP
512 510 0.3% 27-Feb-93 16:50:22 Place_Line_Bonn_BMP
1024 648 36.7% 27-Feb-93 16:50:24 Place_Line_Dresden_BMP
1024 758 25.9% 27-Feb-93 16:50:26 Place_Line_Duesseldorf_BMP
1024 740 27.7% 27-Feb-93 16:50:26 Place_Line_Frankfurt_BMP
1024 643 37.2% 27-Feb-93 16:50:28 Place_Line_Hamburg_BMP
1024 673 34.2% 27-Feb-93 16:50:28 Place_Line_Leipzig_BMP
1024 615 39.9% 27-Feb-93 16:50:30 Place_Line_Muenchen_BMP
1024 729 28.8% 27-Feb-93 16:50:32 Place_Line_Reutlingen_BMP
268516 134247 50.0% 09-Sep-93 16:32:38 Restaurant
22 22 0.0% 09-Feb-93 20:48:36 +startup-sequence
8192 6988 14.6% 27-Feb-93 16:49:50 Telefax_BMP
26112 24293 6.9% 01-Jan-80 00:19:12 Titel_BMP
21504 19949 7.2% 27-Feb-93 16:49:54 Voreinstellungen_BMP
16896 15559 7.9% 01-Jan-80 00:40:52 Werbeagentur_Budget_BMP
4608 3627 21.2% 27-Feb-93 16:50:48 Werbeagentur_Menu_BMP
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
811060 600321 25.9% 02-Sep-95 00:00:00 52 files
Contents of game/misc/Energiemanager.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 3761 10140 37.1% -lh5- 04e0 Jul 21 1993 Anleitung
[generic] 8347 9728 85.8% -lh5- 30b3 Feb 27 1993 Arbeitsamt_Notiz_BMP
[generic] 10271 11264 91.2% -lh5- ba8d Feb 27 1993 Arbeitsamt_Pinnwand_BMP
[generic] 1164 2048 56.8% -lh5- cfae Feb 27 1993 Architektur_Extras_BMP
[generic] 7864 8704 90.3% -lh5- 6d74 Feb 27 1993 Architektur_Hauptmenu_BMP
[generic] 6250 7168 87.2% -lh5- cb9f Feb 27 1993 Architektur_Kosten_BMP
[generic] 6643 7680 86.5% -lh5- 9cbc Feb 27 1993 Architektur_Umfang_BMP
[generic] 781 1024 76.3% -lh5- 44a2 Feb 27 1993 Bahnhof_BMP
[generic] 23120 24576 94.1% -lh5- d650 Feb 27 1993 Bank_BMP
[generic] 25723 27648 93.0% -lh5- 9da6 Feb 27 1993 Bauplaetze_Background_BMP
[generic] 1100 2192 50.2% -lh5- dd76 Feb 27 1993 bmwi
[generic] 305 763 40.0% -lh5- 650c Feb 27 1993 BMWI.info
[generic] 191 280 68.2% -lh5- d356 Aug 1 1980 c/add21
[generic] 2234 4060 55.0% -lh5- 1432 Mar 14 1989 c/SetMap
[generic] 1347 2284 59.0% -lh5- b707 Aug 13 1988 c/Type
[generic] 6650 7680 86.6% -lh5- 7234 Feb 27 1993 Computer_BMP
[generic] 622 1016 61.2% -lh5- 9254 Dec 31 1988 devs/keymaps/BMWI
[generic] 1976 2560 77.2% -lh5- 92b4 Feb 27 1993 Einrichtung_Background_BMP
[generic] 13228 14336 92.3% -lh5- 0da9 Feb 27 1993 Einrichtung_Hauptmenu_BMP
[generic] 12290 13312 92.3% -lh5- 589f Feb 27 1993 Erde_BMP
[generic] 1194 1536 77.7% -lh5- 692f Feb 27 1993 Extra_Leiste_BMP
[generic] 10575 11776 89.8% -lh5- d89b Feb 27 1993 Fahrzeuge_BMP
[generic] 22654 24064 94.1% -lh5- e648 Feb 27 1993 Hauptmenu_Berlin_BMP
[generic] 18373 19456 94.4% -lh5- e653 Feb 27 1993 Hauptmenu_Bonn_BMP
[generic] 17435 18432 94.6% -lh5- 15b7 Feb 27 1993 Hauptmenu_Dresden_BMP
[generic] 18617 19968 93.2% -lh5- a543 Feb 27 1993 Hauptmenu_Duesseldorf_BMP
[generic] 17608 18944 92.9% -lh5- ed83 Feb 27 1993 Hauptmenu_Frankfurt_BMP
[generic] 19436 20480 94.9% -lh5- b232 Feb 27 1993 Hauptmenu_Hamburg_BMP
[generic] 18040 19456 92.7% -lh5- 973c Feb 27 1993 Hauptmenu_Leipzig_BMP
[generic] 17863 18944 94.3% -lh5- 7071 Feb 27 1993 Hauptmenu_Muenchen_BMP
[generic] 17365 18432 94.2% -lh5- 86e1 Jan 1 1980 Hauptmenu_Reutlingen_BMP
[generic] 16789 18432 91.1% -lh5- c579 Feb 27 1993 Hauptsitz_BMP
[generic] 341 894 38.1% -lh5- 84cf Oct 10 07:17 Info-Datei
[generic] 1642 3628 45.3% -lh5- 59fd Feb 27 1993 Install
[generic] 123 224 54.9% -lh5- 6354 May 16 1993 Menu
[generic] 57810 83377 69.3% -lh5- 1f32 Feb 27 1993 Musik
[generic] 588 1024 57.4% -lh5- 24e9 Feb 27 1993 Place_Line_Berlin_BMP
[generic] 510 512 99.6% -lh5- c2cc Feb 27 1993 Place_Line_Bonn_BMP
[generic] 648 1024 63.3% -lh5- c1e1 Feb 27 1993 Place_Line_Dresden_BMP
[generic] 758 1024 74.0% -lh5- a1d4 Feb 27 1993 Place_Line_Duesseldorf_BMP
[generic] 740 1024 72.3% -lh5- 50ad Feb 27 1993 Place_Line_Frankfurt_BMP
[generic] 643 1024 62.8% -lh5- a0ab Feb 27 1993 Place_Line_Hamburg_BMP
[generic] 673 1024 65.7% -lh5- 18bc Feb 27 1993 Place_Line_Leipzig_BMP
[generic] 615 1024 60.1% -lh5- 5ba5 Feb 27 1993 Place_Line_Muenchen_BMP
[generic] 729 1024 71.2% -lh5- 755f Feb 27 1993 Place_Line_Reutlingen_BMP
[generic] 134247 268516 50.0% -lh5- 8594 Sep 9 1993 Restaurant
[generic] 22 22 100.0% -lh0- 3df5 Feb 9 1993 s/startup-sequence
[generic] 6988 8192 85.3% -lh5- 6b4b Feb 27 1993 Telefax_BMP
[generic] 24293 26112 93.0% -lh5- d431 Jan 1 1980 Titel_BMP
[generic] 19949 21504 92.8% -lh5- c070 Feb 27 1993 Voreinstellungen_BMP
[generic] 15559 16896 92.1% -lh5- 4953 Jan 1 1980 Werbeagentur_Budget_BMP
[generic] 3627 4608 78.7% -lh5- a700 Feb 27 1993 Werbeagentur_Menu_BMP
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 52 files 600321 811060 74.0% Sep 2 1995
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