Version V1.5 (14.05.1997)
ManiacBall is a multi-ball, multi-paddle and multi-player Breakout clone
with some improvements like:
- up to 4 paddles at the same time (each on one wall of the playfield)
- more than 10 balls at the same time
- great 2 player mode:
One player controls the vertical paddle(s),
the other one the horizontal paddle(s).
Two mice recommended :-)
- two gfx-versions of the game included:
- standard LoRes version (320x200), works on ECS, AGA or CyberGfx.
- improved HiRes version (640x400), needs AGA or CyberGfx.
Other features are:
- programmed 100% using OS-routines
- supports different screenmodes
- works on CyberGfx screens
- nice music and great sound-fx
- savable highscorelists
- loads of extras like shields, laser, warp, etc...
- 25 levels included (more levels available)
- great MUI-based Leveleditor included
ManiacBall needs:
68000 (68020 strongly recommended)
1MB memory
ptreplay.library (included)
asl.library v38 (included)
MUI 3.x (if you want to use the Leveleditor)
V1.4 (17.01.1997)
- Maniac.font will now be found in the program's dir and in FONTS:
- fixed small bug with steel and TNT
- you won't get passwords in random mode any more
- added italian catalog, thanks to Alessandro Basso (
V1.5 (14.05.1997)
- fixed small display bug with lives
- fixed small display bug with score bonus
- fixed bug with leveldirectorys in title menu