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Five level demo of a fun new "Breakout" clone. I'm sure you will of all
played one of the many PD clones that have been around for years. The
gameplay is simple ... you try and destroy a wall of bricks by bouncing a
ball off them, simple YES but great FUN.
In Splat you control, via the mouse, a cute little crab. Move your crab
at the bottom of the screen from left to right to deflect a bouncing ball.
This ball will destroy shoals of fish, but beware certain fish require
several hits. Once the entire shoal are gone you will move onto the next
level where a different pattern of fish will await you. Bonuses are
collected and either used straight away (panic city) or saved until a
greater effect is indicated on a panel above the main playing area.
Select the powerup you require with the right mouse button, powerups are:
* Slow down movement of ball.
* Double crab size. (ouch!!)
* Sticky crab. (nasty)
* Triple crab size. (no comment)
* Hot ball, cuts through everything no bounce.
A startup menu is used to select the game speed, so it's ideal for beginners
or game guru's and will appeal to any age group. Splat also features some
great soundFX.
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
388 193 50.2% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 AMOS_System/Default.key
2804 1821 35.0% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 AMOS_System/
2328 1660 28.6% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 AMOS_System/Header_CLI.Lib
2232 718 67.8% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 AMOS_System/Mouse.abk
11160 6386 42.7% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 AMOS_System/Music.Lib
5072 1861 63.3% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 AMOS_System/RAMOS1_3.ENV
2388 1453 39.1% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 AMOS_System/Serial.Lib
38388 25264 34.1% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 AMOS_System/W.Lib
25 25 0.0% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 AMOS_System/.info
1872 1290 31.0% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 AMOS_System/Compact.Lib
2268 1632 28.0% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 AMOS_System/Compiler.Lib
2048 969 52.6% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 AMOS_System/Default.Font
1856 1228 33.8% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 AMOS_System/Request.Lib
308 215 30.1% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 AutoEXEC.AMOS
308 213 30.8% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 AutoEXEC.Bak
1789 457 74.4% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 Disk.info
13476 4541 66.3% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 FH
1627 869 46.5% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 Important
1615 599 62.9% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 Important.info
14286 9500 33.5% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 LoadScreen
75576 48117 36.3% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 RAMOS1.3
39 39 0.0% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 s/Startup-Sequence
366528 236804 35.3% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 Splat.AMOS
2590 1130 56.3% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 SplatDocs
1615 603 62.6% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 SplatDocs.info
45244 33303 26.3% 23-Apr-96 18:56:24 Yo.RAW
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
630042 399095 36.6% 23-Apr-96 18:59:44 33 files
Contents of game/misc/SplatDemo.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 25 25 100.0% -lh0- 101d Apr 23 1996 AMOS_System/.info
[generic] 1290 1872 68.9% -lh5- e5aa Apr 23 1996 AMOS_System/Compact.Lib
[generic] 1632 2268 72.0% -lh5- f362 Apr 23 1996 AMOS_System/Compiler.Lib
[generic] 969 2048 47.3% -lh5- fa63 Apr 23 1996 AMOS_System/Default.Font
[generic] 1861 5072 36.7% -lh5- fe06 Apr 23 1996 AMOS_System/RAMOS1_3.ENV
[generic] 1228 1856 66.2% -lh5- 5ca9 Apr 23 1996 AMOS_System/Request.Lib
[generic] 1453 2388 60.8% -lh5- d544 Apr 23 1996 AMOS_System/Serial.Lib
[generic] 25264 38388 65.8% -lh5- e703 Apr 23 1996 AMOS_System/W.Lib
[generic] 193 388 49.7% -lh5- dfef Apr 23 1996 AMOS_System/Default.key
[generic] 1821 2804 64.9% -lh5- 2952 Apr 23 1996 AMOS_System/Header_BackStart.Lib
[generic] 1660 2328 71.3% -lh5- fa94 Apr 23 1996 AMOS_System/Header_CLI.Lib
[generic] 718 2232 32.2% -lh5- 27a8 Apr 23 1996 AMOS_System/Mouse.abk
[generic] 6386 11160 57.2% -lh5- 62c4 Apr 23 1996 AMOS_System/Music.Lib
[generic] 215 308 69.8% -lh5- 3cd7 Apr 23 1996 AutoEXEC.AMOS
[generic] 213 308 69.2% -lh5- fa27 Apr 23 1996 AutoEXEC.Bak
[generic] 457 1789 25.5% -lh5- ea59 Apr 23 1996 Disk.info
[generic] 4541 13476 33.7% -lh5- 2dff Apr 23 1996 fh
[generic] 869 1627 53.4% -lh5- f00d Apr 23 1996 Important
[generic] 39 39 100.0% -lh0- 8b0e Apr 23 1996 s/Startup-Sequence
[generic] 599 1615 37.1% -lh5- c216 Apr 23 1996 Important.info
[generic] 9500 14286 66.5% -lh5- 621e Apr 23 1996 LoadScreen
[generic] 48117 75576 63.7% -lh5- b351 Apr 23 1996 ramos1.3
[generic] 236804 366528 64.6% -lh5- 1630 Apr 23 1996 Splat.AMOS
[generic] 1130 2590 43.6% -lh5- d6e5 Apr 23 1996 SplatDocs
[generic] 603 1615 37.3% -lh5- 9499 Apr 23 1996 SplatDocs.info
[generic] 33303 45244 73.6% -lh5- da10 Apr 23 1996 Yo.RAW
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 26 files 380890 597830 63.7% May 12 1996
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