Spout OS4 , an abstract caveflyer.
Either you will like it or hate it (i am one of thoose who like it)
"Spout" is a small, abstract shooting game from Japanese developer kuni.
It plays somewhat like Finnish cavefliers, except you have to erode your
surroundings with your ship's exhuast. It's great fun :-)
You can now play spout fullscreen, or at a greater resolution!
For fullscreen mode, simply start spout as "spout f".
For alternate resolutions, start spout with an integer
zoom factor, which will be the size of each particle.
For example:
`spout 1' -- very small!
`spout 2' -- this is the default
`spout 7' -- very big!
The larger the zoom factor, the worse performance will be :-(
At the title screen, hit spacebar to begin playing. Your goal is to get as
as you possibly can, without crashing or your time running out.
Accelerate - spacebar, enter, z, x
Pause - escape
Exit - shift+escape <--- IMPORTANT!
Rotate - left or right
Sadly no sound in this game.
Have fun :-)