84782 packages online
game/misc/UFO_EU_Full.lha |
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U.F.O. Enemy Unclothed.
( FULL and UNRESTRICTED final release )
© 1998 Gadge Software.
>>> So.... what's that then?
Well, you know that other UFO ENEMY UN-thingy type game, the one where
you were in charge of X-Comm and you had to build up your bases and
wipe out all those unknown enemy alien chaps.....
.... did you ever play it?
>>> Yes i did.... it was great!
Well it's just like that!
>>> Yes i did.... it was rubbish!
> Please cross out where
Well it's nothing like that! / appropriate.
>>> No, never seen it. /
Well you're in for a treat then! /
>>> What do i need to run this thing then?
Virtually any AMIGA with 1mb or more and 1.3 or better should do.
Tested on...
* 1mb A500 (1.3 68000 1/2 fast)
* 1mb A600 (2.x 68000 no fast)
* 2mb A1200 (3.0 68020/14 no fast)
* 18mb A1200 (3.0 68030/50 16 fast)
* 10mb A1200 (3.0 68040/25 8 fast)
* 18mb A1200 (3.1 68040/25 16 fast)
* 18mb A1200 (3.1 68040/33 16 fast)
************************** IMPORTANT BIT **************************
* *
* *
>>> I want it on my hard drive NOW! So come on, what do i do?
Open up the "UFO_EU_Full" drawer and double click on the "UFO_Install"
icon. Then just follow the usual installer prompts.
>>> Right, where's the instructions then?
Full instructions are available from within the game (in the UFOPAEDIA
section) as well as lots of other useful info to get you off on the
right track.
Reports just in, indicate that there has been a sharp upturn in the
number of sightings of Unidentified Flashing Objects in recent weeks.
This trend can not be allowed to continue unchecked, and so, a new
anti-flasher defence force has been created to combat this threat....
....this new top secret force shall be known as "X-PANTS".
You have just been appointed manager of a brand new X-PANTS factory,
your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to build up this new
facility into a thriving business that can keep your offensive forces
supplied with the latest in pants technology so that they, in turn,
can one day hope to gain the upper hand in the ever increasing struggle
for supremacy between the forces of good (that's us), and our sworn
enemies, the FLASHERS!!! (they're the bad guys.....Yaa..Boo..Hiss).
You have limited funds and only basic weaponry to start with, but,
with skill, and careful management, you should be able to establish
a well honed fighting force, equipped with the biggest and best pants
available, and supported by an efficient (and highly profitable)
pants-production facility.
Good luck.....
The Chairman. (X-PANTS plc)
* Up to eight save game positions.
* Random mission layout generator (won't get the same one twice).
* Line of sight illumination on missions (spooky).
* Unique all-terrain X-PANTS interceptor vans (from Sid's).
* Progressive research and development (for bigger, better pants).
* Flashers "mac's" on loan from "Syndicate Gents Outfitters plc".
* Soldiers with "Hard" names (usually).
>>> And if i just want to moan about (or praise) the game?
You could always E-Mail me at: simon@gadge.u-net.com
(with UFO in the subject)
Or visit: http://www.gadge.u-net.com
The home of UFO Enemy Unclothed & Revenge AGA & more.....
>>> Sounds fair enough!
Cheers guv.
Contents of game/misc/UFO_EU_Full.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 618 1652 37.4% -lh5- 2048 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/Fonts/ufo/1.
[generic] 26 264 9.8% -lh5- 261a Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/Fonts/Xpants.font
[generic] 273 444 61.5% -lh5- b59f Oct 31 1998 UFO_EU_Full/IMPORTANT.readme
[generic] 239 360 66.4% -lh5- a1d5 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/IMPORTANT.readme.bak
[generic] 510 1396 36.5% -lh5- 3115 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/IMPORTANT.readme.info
[generic] 893 2668 33.5% -lh5- 8bfc Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/Install.readme
[generic] 511 1396 36.6% -lh5- 86eb Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/Install.readme.info
[generic] 2113 3968 53.3% -lh5- c4c5 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/libs/diskfont.library
[generic] 2486 4280 58.1% -lh5- a4d2 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/libs/mathtrans.library
[generic] 17252 51108 33.8% -lh5- 5a9d Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.data/A.data
[generic] 50604 63020 80.3% -lh5- 24ad Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.data/B.data
[generic] 11230 14000 80.2% -lh5- df26 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.data/C.data
[generic] 6310 11078 57.0% -lh5- 6072 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.data/D.data
[generic] 13841 20018 69.1% -lh5- cca5 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.data/E.data
[generic] 5674 13412 42.3% -lh5- 27dd Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.data/F.data
[generic] 4049 8500 47.6% -lh5- aa1b Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.data/G.data
[generic] 3187 13830 23.0% -lh5- 2a16 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.data/H.data
[generic] 3149 8860 35.5% -lh5- bcc1 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.data/I.data
[generic] 2203 5492 40.1% -lh5- 81d3 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.data/J.data
[generic] 13375 18362 72.8% -lh5- 265c Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.data/K.data
[generic] 999 999 100.0% -lh0- c39a Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.data/L.data
[generic] 2480 26670 9.3% -lh5- 7752 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.maps/A.bin
[generic] 1326 7999 16.6% -lh5- 5a23 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.maps/A.map
[generic] 2810 26670 10.5% -lh5- d67d Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.maps/B.bin
[generic] 1048 7999 13.1% -lh5- d15a Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.maps/B.map
[generic] 3966 26670 14.9% -lh5- 1f78 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.maps/C.bin
[generic] 994 7999 12.4% -lh5- d324 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.maps/C.map
[generic] 3511 26670 13.2% -lh5- 5795 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.maps/D.bin
[generic] 1006 7999 12.6% -lh5- 4c04 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.maps/D.map
[generic] 3077 26670 11.5% -lh5- 8792 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.maps/E.bin
[generic] 629 7999 7.9% -lh5- d5f8 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.maps/E.map
[generic] 6940 26404 26.3% -lh5- 19f5 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.maps/F.bin
[generic] 138 1199 11.5% -lh5- 33b9 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/U.F.O.maps/F.map
[generic] 152888 174260 87.7% -lh5- ce13 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/UFO_Enemy_Unclothed
[generic] 638 898 71.0% -lh5- fbfe Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/UFO_Enemy_Unclothed.info
[generic] 2021 4662 43.4% -lh5- 5c83 Oct 31 1998 UFO_EU_Full/UFO_EU_Full.readme
[generic] 2019 4637 43.5% -lh5- 8765 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/UFO_EU_Full.readme.bak
[generic] 513 1396 36.7% -lh5- d422 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/UFO_EU_Full.readme.info
[generic] 590 1807 32.7% -lh5- 3a49 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/UFO_Install
[generic] 1860 3341 55.7% -lh5- 3d83 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full/UFO_Install.info
[generic] 1343 2625 51.2% -lh5- 4ad3 Oct 24 1998 UFO_EU_Full.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 41 files 329339 639681 51.5% Aug 16 00:30
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