This is an early form of what the author hopes shall become a
very elaborate and popular game in the Amiga community.
The unregistered version comes with a limited number of
training and actual missions. Registered users are given a
special version of WARSTAR with a complete set of missions,
AND a mission editor to allow players to create their own,
possibly more elaborate, warfare scenarios. Registered users
may also send the author suggestions on features/enhancements
for future versions.
Registration is $15 Canadian.
This game requires patience, daring, and a never-say-die
You are commander of the finest warship in the Coalition,
aptly named WARSTAR. You have dedicated yourself to the defeat
of the invading Xyntaan empire. The Coalition headquarters will
designate several assignments for you, to aid the winning of
the war.
The Coalition enjoys a helpful alliance with the Khulani race,
of whom have at their disposal massively powerful ships. With
their help, the Coalition might have the required force to end
the conflict.
Good luck!