AmigaWin2 Fruit Machine v1.29
©1998. All rights reserved.
Legal Stuff
This program is copyright ©1998 by MadSoft Inc. with all rights reserved.
It may be freely distributed so long as no profit is made from it, and all
files remain unaltered.
The author is not responsible for any damage or loss of data caused in any
way by the use of this program.
Requirements & Installation
This game requires an A1200. Installation is simple, just copy the file
to the location of your choice. No assigns are necessary. It appears to
run on all configurations of A1200, though memory can be tight on an un-
expanded A1200.
It's a fruit machine, nuff said. Oh yeah, to quit press escape or click
on the tiny Q gadget in the top left hand corner.
Who? And What?
All coding happened on an A1200 with an Apollo 1230 @ 50mhz and 16 meg of
Fast RAM, in Blitz Basic 2.1 by Tim Quigley of MadSoft Inc.
Bugtesting occured on a standard A1200 and an A1200 with 4 meg fastram by
Julie, Tara, Arron and Dave. Cheers for the suggestions guys.
Tim Q. can be contacted by email @
I released this back in 1998 and it appeared on Amiga Format's cover cd in the UK. I always meant to upload it to Aminet but spent some time without internet and by the time I got back online, I had not only lost my miggy (and all my source code) to a PSU failure, I had lost all copies of the executable too. Well it's now found it's way back to me so here it is. I wrote it to try and address the major problem that was reported to me about the original AmigaWin - it's unresponsiveness.