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Short:Gameserver browser for QW/Q/H2/Sin/Shogo
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Requires:OS3.1, ixemul.library, ixnet.library, Play16 and jpeg datatype (Aminet..)
Download:game/misc/gametracker.lha - View contents

Recommended: Powersnap2.2a, KingCon (Aminet..)
Homepage:    SuRgEoN's Quake1 Goodies

Date: 08-MAY-01

GameTracker is a powerful script-based server browser and game launcher for Quake, QuakeWorld, 
HereticII, Shogo & Sin. GameTracker relies on Qstat for retrieving server information.

GameTracker lets you browse and monitor servers easily and lets you join or spectate the action on the 
server of your choice (spectator mode is only supported with QuakeWorld). GameTracker has user 
configurable server-filters for ping, gamedir, mapname and capacity. Along with the filter that 
excludes empty servers, this lets you overlook a narrow selection of servers that interest you the 
most. There's also an option to play a sample when a certain event occurs on a monitored server 
(available with autorefresh option but does only work if the server is not empty).

Qstat is a gameserver-query tool by Steve Jankowski. The qstat executable included with GameTracker
was ported to amiga by Thomas Frieden (Hyperion Software)
If you want to use Qstat as stand-alone program, or maybe in conjunction with your own frontend,
then remember to set stack to 200000. Otherwise bad things might happen.
Qstat source is available at:

Installation & Configuration:

Just place the GameTracker dir where you wold prefer.
If you use amcheapo (QuakeWorld proxy), GameTracker can launch this proxy automatically
and connect through it. You should have a proxy.cfg in id1/configs/ dir
for setting up your default proxy commands, such as fps optimizations.
Have a look at the example (in scripts/id1/configs dir).
The path id1/configs/proxy.cfg can not be changed, unless you edit connect.rc in scripts/amcheapo.
Also set the amcheapo env variable to 1 in GameTracker.config.
If you have amcheapo running elsewhere than localhost, port 27500,
you should change the proxycmdline in gametracker.config to suit your setup.

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND to install and run PowerSnap. PowerSnap makes it easy 
to copy and paste server addresses in the shell window, requester or in quake console.

All settings are stored in GameTracker/gametracker.config You should edit this file to suit your setup !! - It 
should be obvious how to do this. All settings are commented. Just don't change the names of the 
env vars :) The vars you have to costumize are prefs for the supported games: (quakedir, qwcmdline, 
qscmdline, h2dir, h2cmdline .... The rest can be left at default settings.

qstatold variable:
This has become obsolete since the inclusion of Qstat v2.4 Leave it at 0

runram variable:
 If you are short on RAM you should set "runram" to "0" - this will constrain GameTracker's memory 
usage to around 100K, but there will be considerable amount of hd-access.

GameTracker can be upgraded with mapshots for any of the supported games - just copy the images to 
/mapshots. They have to be in .jpg format and must comply with this name syntax: mapname.jpg 
(example: the quake custom-map aerowalk would be "aerowalk.jpg")


Doubleclick GameTracker and select the options and actions you want. Everything should be pretty 

GameTracker lets you query masterservers, cachefiles and single servers for easy monitoring and 
launching of the QuakeWorld, Quake, HereticII, Shogo and Sin client executables. The interface 
consists of a series of questions. All functions are accessed using requesters. PowerSnap is very
usefull for copying addresses from the generated serverstats to the server query, since the
address has to be typed in a string requester. It is from the single server query that you view the
complete rules, refresh the stats on a server and monitor the development of matches and/or monitor
the server for user-specified event to occur. Naturally you can also and join or spectate games when
it seems interesting (spectator mode is currently only supported with QuakeWorld).

Note on pingfilter with QuakeWorld:
If you chose a pingfilter, and then queries a masterserver, you might not get any servers listed, 
although the servers that have registered with the master is within the range. This is because the 
masterserver itself sometimes gets excluded by the ping filter. Use up-to-date static master lists
to avoid this probem. These lists can be generated with MasterCache.


MasterCache is a tool for updating the QuakeWorld masterserver cachefiles (barrysworld, ocrana, 
planetquake, id_limbo, fortressfest ...) Run this when the cachefiles gets outdated.

CustomCache is a tool for generating filtered cache files. It can be used to split larger serverlists into 
fitting categories (arena servers, duel servers etc). It can generate lists for all supported games



 Brief history:

* Included qstat v2.4
* Updated Quakeworld, Sin, Shogo and HereticII cachefiles
* Added the ability to change game without quitting GameTracker
* no need to copy any files to c:

* Namechange to GameTracker (used to be QWbrowse)
* Improved accuracy of ping filter (range 100 - 500 ms).
* Progress indicator enabled - allowed by redirected output of all queries (v0.4+).
* Can be run entirey from ram by setting appropriate config option (requires 1.2 MB).
* Requesters are more readable and informative.
* Alert "players": Optional SFX when server has a minimum # of active players.
* Alert "mapname": Optional SFX when a particular map is active on server.
* Alert "not full": Optional SFX when server (often full) becomes available for joining.
* Alert "playername": Optional SFX when a particular player is on server.
* Added a string requester to GameTracker, MasterCache and CustomCache
* Memory flush before game-launch is now optional
* Updated gametracker.config
* Updated this document (as always)
* Improved stability with amcheapo (QuakeWorld proxy)
* Automatic launch of amcheapo if set in gametracker.config

v0.4 (not released)
* Exdir filter added ( = exclude gamedir).
* CustomCache had wrong requester titles - fixed.

* Managed to get Qstat to run stable by increasing stack :)
* Much improved performance (up to 300%), due to better use of Qstat options.
* Support for Qstat v2.3+ (qstatold variable in qwbrowse.config).
* Support for HereticII, Sin and Shogo.
* Refresh option extended to master/file queries.
* Auto-refresh option has been added to single-server-query mode.
* Option for displaying all server-rules in single-query mode.
* Filters for gamedir, capacity, mapname, and gamedir-capacity combination.
* Filters for ping-limited server display.
* Auto-displays ID maps (incl q1edge,base32b & death32c), ztndmX, ctfX, ctf2mX, missionpack 1&2.
* Sound samples accompany actions.
* A new tool, CustomCache, for generating and saving filtered serverlists.
* Lots of new cache files (Quake, HereticII, Sin and Shogo).
* Removed amigaguide generation - better filtering made it obsolete.

* Added support for normal Quake.
* Heavily improved configurability.
* Improved readability of template output.
* Added option to filter out empty servers.
* Now QWBrowse doesn't quit when QuakeWorld or Quake is exited.

v0.1: (First public release)


* Make use of qstat builtin filtering capabilities
* Maybe more server-filters
* Maybe improve GUI

Contents of game/misc/gametracker.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  155     485  32.0% -lh5- 2083 Apr 19  2001 GameTracker/cache/heretic2/h2_servers
[generic]                   23      23 100.0% -lh0- cddc Aug  4  2000 GameTracker/cache/heretic2/siege_servers
[generic]                   64     117  54.7% -lh5- 59c0 Apr 19  2001 GameTracker/cache/heretic2/thf_servers
[generic]                  176     450  39.1% -lh5- af44 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quake/crmod
[generic]                  226     766  29.5% -lh5- 3020 May 28  2000 GameTracker/cache/quake/qstatlist
[generic]                  402    1173  34.3% -lh5- b6d3 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quake/quake_a
[generic]                  309    1004  30.8% -lh5- 8908 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quake/quake_b
[generic]                  240     627  38.3% -lh5- ce54 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/custom/arena
[generic]                  211     570  37.0% -lh5- 2b9f Jun  1  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/custom/clanarena
[generic]                  348    1099  31.7% -lh5- 1b18 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/custom/custom_maps
[generic]                  187     944  19.8% -lh5- 0dd0 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/custom/denmark
[generic]                  162     862  18.8% -lh5- 76a6 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/custom/duel
[generic]                   92     193  47.7% -lh5- a60f Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/custom/fast_arena
[generic]                  388    1285  30.2% -lh5- 78f7 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/custom/favorites
[generic]                  331    1091  30.3% -lh5- cc7f Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/custom/ffa
[generic]                  107     262  40.8% -lh5- f285 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/custom/ffa_large
[generic]                   43      48  89.6% -lh5- 7893 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/custom/frogbot
[generic]                   25      25 100.0% -lh0- 622c Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/custom/fvf
[generic]                   21      21 100.0% -lh0- 28b3 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/custom/headhunters
[generic]                   24      24 100.0% -lh0- 03d3 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/custom/hipnotic
[generic]                   81     148  54.7% -lh5- 3756 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/custom/painkeep
[generic]                  243     662  36.7% -lh5- 772d Apr 18  2001 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/custom/qizmo
[generic]                   50      71  70.4% -lh5- 5b21 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/custom/requiem
[generic]                   80     290  27.6% -lh5- 8abe Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/custom/team
[generic]                   50      50 100.0% -lh0- 1788 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_dynamic/01.barrysworld_d
[generic]                   41      41 100.0% -lh0- a17b Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_dynamic/02.ngi_d
[generic]                   41      41 100.0% -lh0- 5feb Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_dynamic/04.ocrana_d
[generic]                   50      50 100.0% -lh0- acd6 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_dynamic/05.planetquake_d
[generic]                   52      52 100.0% -lh0- a225 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_dynamic/06.id_limbo_d
[generic]                   52      52 100.0% -lh0- 6226 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_dynamic/07.id_ctf_d
[generic]                   52      52 100.0% -lh0- a226 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_dynamic/08.id_tf_d
[generic]                   52      52 100.0% -lh0- 6220 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_dynamic/09.id_misc_d
[generic]                   52      52 100.0% -lh0- 6220 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_dynamic/10.id_dm_d
[generic]                   46      46 100.0% -lh0- 1256 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_dynamic/11.fortressfest_d
[generic]                   47      47 100.0% -lh0- 6535 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_dynamic/12.australia_d
[generic]                   35      35 100.0% -lh0- 9996 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_dynamic/13.qizmo_d
[generic]                   42      42 100.0% -lh0- 159b Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_dynamic/14.edome_d
[generic]                   35      35 100.0% -lh0- 7dff Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_dynamic/15.scifi_d
[generic]                  246     646  38.1% -lh5- c721 May 30  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_dynamic/lookup_all_masterservers
[generic]                  196     523  37.5% -lh5- 8f97 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_dynamic/lookup_all_no_qizmo_no_au
[generic]                  584    2727  21.4% -lh5- 0510 Apr 18  2001 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_static/01.barrysworld
[generic]                   38      72  52.8% -lh5- e0eb Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_static/02.ngi
[generic]                  312    1240  25.2% -lh5- 9af6 Apr 18  2001 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_static/04.ocrana
[generic]                  166     693  24.0% -lh5- 019f Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_static/05.planetquake
[generic]                  912    3520  25.9% -lh5- 9030 Apr 18  2001 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_static/06.id_limbo
[generic]                  350    1184  29.6% -lh5- 28ab Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_static/07.id_cft
[generic]                  275     945  29.1% -lh5- a280 Apr 18  2001 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_static/07.id_ctf
[generic]                  832    3139  26.5% -lh5- eea6 Apr 18  2001 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_static/08.id_tf
[generic]                  591    2160  27.4% -lh5- b20a Apr 18  2001 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_static/09.id_misc
[generic]                  749    2878  26.0% -lh5- 7d96 Apr 18  2001 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_static/10.id_dm
[generic]                  562    2001  28.1% -lh5- 4f06 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_static/11.fortressfest
[generic]                  306    1292  23.7% -lh5- 92c4 Apr 18  2001 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_static/12.australia
[generic]                  339     928  36.5% -lh5- 935e Apr 18  2001 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_static/13.qizmo
[generic]                  495    2687  18.4% -lh5- e3c2 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_static/14.edome
[generic]                   88     403  21.8% -lh5- f414 Apr 18  2001 GameTracker/cache/quakeworld/masters_static/15.scifi
[generic]                  130     270  48.1% -lh5- e5f7 Apr 23  2001 GameTracker/cache/shogo/shogo_servers
[generic]                  221     704  31.4% -lh5- 5f14 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/cache/sin/sin_servers
[generic]                  997    3862  25.8% -lh5- 48aa Jul 18  2000 GameTracker/CustomCache
[generic]                 1588    2696  58.9% -lh5- 5073 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/
[generic]                 1599    2530  63.2% -lh5- e6e2 Jun  9  2000 GameTracker/
[generic]                 3402    7539  45.1% -lh5- 6153 May 11  2001 GameTracker/docs/GameTracker.readme
[generic]                  621    1201  51.7% -lh5- 6dee Dec 27  1997 GameTracker/docs/pop.doc
[generic]                15366   46107  33.3% -lh5- 35a8 May 11  2001 GameTracker/docs/qstatdoc.html
[generic]                  364     622  58.5% -lh5- deac Jun  9  2000 GameTracker/docs/RequestString.readme
[generic]                  254     507  50.1% -lh5- 2798 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/filters/all/capacity_filter
[generic]                  278     548  50.7% -lh5- d5fb Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/filters/all/exgamecapacity_filter
[generic]                  253     462  54.8% -lh5- 1700 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/filters/all/exgamedir_filter
[generic]                  274     542  50.6% -lh5- 347b Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/filters/all/gamecapacity_filter
[generic]                  248     456  54.4% -lh5- ef65 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/filters/all/gamedir_filter
[generic]                  244     451  54.1% -lh5- 60a7 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/filters/all/map_filter
[generic]                   83      99  83.8% -lh5- 2d0e Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/filters/all/player_temp
[generic]                  120     154  77.9% -lh5- 234f Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/filters/cmaker/capacity_filter
[generic]                  103     108  95.4% -lh5- 6d53 Jun  1  2000 GameTracker/filters/cmaker/exgamedir_filter
[generic]                  135     189  71.4% -lh5- 9009 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/filters/cmaker/gamecapacity_filter
[generic]                   99     102  97.1% -lh5- 0614 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/filters/cmaker/gamedir_filter
[generic]                   93      97  95.9% -lh5- 59b8 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/filters/cmaker/map_filter
[generic]                   31      38  81.6% -lh5- 1aac Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/filters/header_temp
[generic]                  254     507  50.1% -lh5- 542b Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/filters/noempty/capacity_filter
[generic]                  278     548  50.7% -lh5- 4597 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/filters/noempty/exgamecapacity_filter
[generic]                  251     463  54.2% -lh5- d2f6 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/filters/noempty/exgamedir_filter
[generic]                  272     542  50.2% -lh5- 6675 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/filters/noempty/gamecapacity_filter
[generic]                  246     457  53.8% -lh5- 3379 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/filters/noempty/gamedir_filter
[generic]                  243     451  53.9% -lh5- a83c Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/filters/noempty/map_filter
[generic]                   83      99  83.8% -lh5- 2d0e Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/filters/noempty/player_temp
[generic]                   83      99  83.8% -lh5- 2d0e Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/filters/player_temp
[generic]                  229     422  54.3% -lh5- 15ca Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/filters/s_temp_no_filter
[generic]                  227     422  53.8% -lh5- ee15 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/filters/s_temp_not_empty
[generic]                   84     117  71.8% -lh5- 5440 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/filters/trailer_temp
[generic]                 1042    4046  25.8% -lh5- 5a86 Apr 21  2001 GameTracker/GameTracker
[generic]                 1012    2612  38.7% -lh5- 71b3 May  8  2001 GameTracker/gametracker.config
[generic]                 1820    2769  65.7% -lh5- 44c8 Jul 18  2000 GameTracker/
[generic]                 1795    2702  66.4% -lh5- cfb5 Apr 21  2001 GameTracker/
[generic]                 4526   10858  41.7% -lh5- 0a8e Jul 19  2000 GameTracker/gtstart.iff
[generic]                   94     123  76.4% -lh5- 9f92 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/id1/configs/proxy.cfg
[generic]                 7895    8098  97.5% -lh5- 298f May 28  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/base32b.jpg
[generic]                 6739    6784  99.3% -lh5- c866 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/ctf1.jpg
[generic]                 6674    6715  99.4% -lh5- 5fdb Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/ctf2.jpg
[generic]                 5729    5892  97.2% -lh5- 472e Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/ctf2m1.jpg
[generic]                 5345    5504  97.1% -lh5- f8f8 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/ctf2m2.jpg
[generic]                 4416    4577  96.5% -lh5- 7cfa Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/ctf2m3.jpg
[generic]                 5716    5875  97.3% -lh5- 5505 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/ctf2m4.jpg
[generic]                 5154    5310  97.1% -lh5- 27f2 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/ctf2m5.jpg
[generic]                 5183    5354  96.8% -lh5- 2932 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/ctf2m6.jpg
[generic]                 4766    4933  96.6% -lh5- 1070 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/ctf2m7.jpg
[generic]                 4343    4510  96.3% -lh5- 5e40 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/ctf2m8.jpg
[generic]                 6504    6553  99.3% -lh5- a4f7 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/ctf3.jpg
[generic]                 7217    7259  99.4% -lh5- 53ad Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/ctf4.jpg
[generic]                 6468    6508  99.4% -lh5- e85a Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/ctf5.jpg
[generic]                 4649    4695  99.0% -lh5- ed25 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/ctf6.jpg
[generic]                 5939    5986  99.2% -lh5- 1536 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/ctf7.jpg
[generic]                 5325    5370  99.2% -lh5- 59a3 Aug 15  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/ctf8.jpg
[generic]                 4978    5029  99.0% -lh5- c286 Aug 15  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/ctfstart.jpg
[generic]                 7833    8018  97.7% -lh5- 4536 May 28  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/death32c.jpg
[generic]                 6065    6110  99.3% -lh5- d556 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/dm1.jpg
[generic]                 6009    6056  99.2% -lh5- 471b Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/dm2.jpg
[generic]                 5489    5531  99.2% -lh5- 8c62 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/dm3.jpg
[generic]                 6927    6977  99.3% -lh5- 24f2 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/dm4.jpg
[generic]                 5406    5449  99.2% -lh5- 76bb Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/dm5.jpg
[generic]                 5322    5373  99.1% -lh5- f38b Aug 15  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/dm6.jpg
[generic]                 6104    6145  99.3% -lh5- c6fb Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e1m1.jpg
[generic]                 5630    5677  99.2% -lh5- 6444 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e1m2.jpg
[generic]                 5786    5834  99.2% -lh5- 05da Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e1m3.jpg
[generic]                 6254    6301  99.3% -lh5- cec8 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e1m4.jpg
[generic]                 5771    5816  99.2% -lh5- 736a Aug 15  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e1m5.jpg
[generic]                 6299    6342  99.3% -lh5- 84c3 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e1m6.jpg
[generic]                 7517    7565  99.4% -lh5- 4374 Aug 15  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e1m7.jpg
[generic]                 5849    5918  98.8% -lh5- 12c6 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e1m8.jpg
[generic]                 5660    5717  99.0% -lh5- 1fd9 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e2m1.jpg
[generic]                 6921    6963  99.4% -lh5- 8c89 Aug 15  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e2m2.jpg
[generic]                 6351    6396  99.3% -lh5- 41d4 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e2m3.jpg
[generic]                 6700    6746  99.3% -lh5- 320b Aug 15  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e2m4.jpg
[generic]                 6522    6571  99.3% -lh5- 5304 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e2m5.jpg
[generic]                 5806    5862  99.0% -lh5- ce87 Aug 15  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e2m6.jpg
[generic]                 7112    7153  99.4% -lh5- c125 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e2m7.jpg
[generic]                 5801    5856  99.1% -lh5- 9707 Aug 15  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e3m1.jpg
[generic]                 7597    7635  99.5% -lh5- d815 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e3m2.jpg
[generic]                 7505    7565  99.2% -lh5- b0d6 Aug 15  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e3m3.jpg
[generic]                 6653    6697  99.3% -lh5- 8b96 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e3m4.jpg
[generic]                 5866    5917  99.1% -lh5- 8e5a Aug 15  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e3m5.jpg
[generic]                 5968    6007  99.4% -lh5- a73d Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e3m6.jpg
[generic]                 7426    7471  99.4% -lh5- 2f7b Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e3m7.jpg
[generic]                 5749    5796  99.2% -lh5- b024 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e4m1.jpg
[generic]                 7301    7345  99.4% -lh5- 4dbe Aug 15  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e4m2.jpg
[generic]                 6583    6626  99.4% -lh5- 7930 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e4m3.jpg
[generic]                 5701    5773  98.8% -lh5- 6516 Aug 15  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e4m4.jpg
[generic]                 6204    6256  99.2% -lh5- 4389 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e4m5.jpg
[generic]                 7249    7298  99.3% -lh5- 7f08 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e4m6.jpg
[generic]                 5922    5967  99.2% -lh5- 8a78 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e4m7.jpg
[generic]                 5886    5935  99.2% -lh5- a763 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/e4m8.jpg
[generic]                13138   14372  91.4% -lh5- 1761 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/end.jpg
[generic]                 4253    4416  96.3% -lh5- e084 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/hip1m1.jpg
[generic]                 6011    6167  97.5% -lh5- 953c Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/hip1m2.jpg
[generic]                 3924    4092  95.9% -lh5- 0e67 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/hip1m3.jpg
[generic]                 8191    8346  98.1% -lh5- 8579 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/hip1m4.jpg
[generic]                 4987    5152  96.8% -lh5- e01c Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/hip1m5.jpg
[generic]                 5733    5900  97.2% -lh5- 3b13 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/hip2m1.jpg
[generic]                 6204    6360  97.5% -lh5- f68f Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/hip2m2.jpg
[generic]                 5348    5510  97.1% -lh5- e15c Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/hip2m3.jpg
[generic]                 5460    5621  97.1% -lh5- fac2 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/hip2m4.jpg
[generic]                 5456    5625  97.0% -lh5- 7a2d Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/hip2m5.jpg
[generic]                 7482    7631  98.0% -lh5- 5fb6 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/hip2m6.jpg
[generic]                 6587    6753  97.5% -lh5- 6b78 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/hip3m1.jpg
[generic]                 4842    5005  96.7% -lh5- 2c63 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/hip3m2.jpg
[generic]                 4400    4578  96.1% -lh5- e6c8 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/hip3m3.jpg
[generic]                 5664    5817  97.4% -lh5- 4e8a Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/hip3m4.jpg
[generic]                 6502    6670  97.5% -lh5- 54a7 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/hipdm1.jpg
[generic]                 4713    4878  96.6% -lh5- 065c Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/hipend.jpg
[generic]                 5627    5791  97.2% -lh5- 1a0f May 28  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/q1edge.jpg
[generic]                 4095    4259  96.1% -lh5- a861 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/r1m1.jpg
[generic]                 5460    5626  97.0% -lh5- c570 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/r1m2.jpg
[generic]                 4862    5027  96.7% -lh5- 2e11 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/r1m3.jpg
[generic]                 4478    4645  96.4% -lh5- 1de9 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/r1m4.jpg
[generic]                 4703    4872  96.5% -lh5- c782 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/r1m5.jpg
[generic]                 5444    5614  97.0% -lh5- 9f39 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/r1m6.jpg
[generic]                 5818    5980  97.3% -lh5- be99 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/r1m7.jpg
[generic]                 6389    6548  97.6% -lh5- 2a69 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/r2m1.jpg
[generic]                 5343    5511  97.0% -lh5- 4f91 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/r2m2.jpg
[generic]                 4487    4659  96.3% -lh5- 53d4 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/r2m3.jpg
[generic]                 6892    7054  97.7% -lh5- 0107 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/r2m4.jpg
[generic]                 4412    4578  96.4% -lh5- cc43 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/r2m5.jpg
[generic]                 5414    5577  97.1% -lh5- ce6a Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/r2m6.jpg
[generic]                 4693    4859  96.6% -lh5- 08c0 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/r2m7.jpg
[generic]                 5794    5959  97.2% -lh5- 8ec4 Mar 25  1998 GameTracker/mapshots/r2m8.jpg
[generic]                 5054    5099  99.1% -lh5- 4074 Jul 31  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/start.jpg
[generic]                 3094    4222  73.3% -lh5- caae Jan 18  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/unknown.jpg
[generic]                 6082    6257  97.2% -lh5- e42d May 28  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/ztndm1.jpg
[generic]                 4851    5026  96.5% -lh5- c52d May 28  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/ztndm2.jpg
[generic]                 7740    7913  97.8% -lh5- fa6a May 28  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/ztndm3.jpg
[generic]                 5712    5882  97.1% -lh5- 7aa8 May 28  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/ztndm4.jpg
[generic]                 7926    8101  97.8% -lh5- 4408 May 28  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/ztndm5.jpg
[generic]                 4987    5157  96.7% -lh5- e706 May 28  2000 GameTracker/mapshots/ztndm6.jpg
[generic]                  751    3403  22.1% -lh5- 6b1c Apr 18  2001 GameTracker/MasterCache
[generic]                 1644    2748  59.8% -lh5- 69e4 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/
[generic]                 2806    5000  56.1% -lh5- 1897 Dec 27  1997 GameTracker/pop
[generic]                 1570    2476  63.4% -lh5- e22f Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/
[generic]                38715   88636  43.7% -lh5- 61e3 Nov 13  1980 GameTracker/qstat
[generic]                 1569    2476  63.4% -lh5- 33b0 Apr 21  2001 GameTracker/
[generic]                15483   20450  75.7% -lh5- a435 Jun  9  2000 GameTracker/quakeworld.iff
[generic]                 1981    2840  69.8% -lh5- 9ec3 May 19  1997 GameTracker/RequestString
[generic]                 1566    2476  63.2% -lh5- ce42 Jun  5  2000 GameTracker/
[generic]                 3586    3586 100.0% -lh0- 7ee7 Jun  9  2000 GameTracker/RequestString_src.lha
[generic]                   49      49 100.0% -lh0- bea1 Jun  7  2000 GameTracker/scripts/agetmapname.rc
[generic]                   53      53 100.0% -lh0- ec86 Jun  7  2000 GameTracker/scripts/agetminplayers.rc
[generic]                   52      52 100.0% -lh0- 8c06 Jun  7  2000 GameTracker/scripts/agetplayername.rc
[generic]                  253     399  63.4% -lh5- 7602 Jun 10  2000 GameTracker/scripts/amcheapo/connect.rc
[generic]                   62      64  96.9% -lh5- 7f2c Jun  9  2000 GameTracker/scripts/amcheapo/runcheapo.rc
[generic]                  220     403  54.6% -lh5- 077f Jun  5  2000 GameTracker/scripts/autorefresh.rc
[generic]                  430    1267  33.9% -lh5- 57a9 Jul 18  2000 GameTracker/scripts/autorefresh_pop.rc
[generic]                  469    2196  21.4% -lh5- dd55 Apr 21  2001 GameTracker/scripts/cleanup.rc
[generic]                  172     217  79.3% -lh5- a3dd Jun 10  2000 GameTracker/scripts/connect.rc
[generic]                   55      55 100.0% -lh0- d24f Jun  9  2000 GameTracker/scripts/getaddress.rc
[generic]                   68      68 100.0% -lh0- d2e6 Jun  7  2000 GameTracker/scripts/getexgamedir.rc
[generic]                   54      54 100.0% -lh0- f846 Jun  5  2000 GameTracker/scripts/getfile.rc
[generic]                   55      55 100.0% -lh0- fe7e Jun  7  2000 GameTracker/scripts/getgamedir.rc
[generic]                   51      51 100.0% -lh0- 4c85 Jun  7  2000 GameTracker/scripts/getmapname.rc
[generic]                   57      57 100.0% -lh0- 0f16 Jun  7  2000 GameTracker/scripts/getmaxplayers.rc
[generic]                   57      57 100.0% -lh0- 26d1 Jun  7  2000 GameTracker/scripts/getminplayers.rc
[generic]                   52      52 100.0% -lh0- 8c06 Jun  5  2000 GameTracker/scripts/getplayername.rc
[generic]                  135     160  84.4% -lh5- fd7e Jun 10  2000 GameTracker/scripts/heretic2/connect.rc
[generic]                  765    2876  26.6% -lh5- aaa7 Apr 21  2001 GameTracker/scripts/initfilters.rc
[generic]                  317     915  34.6% -lh5- f0b7 May 30  2000 GameTracker/scripts/initgame.rc
[generic]                  187    1197  15.6% -lh5- 0f8d Aug 20  2000 GameTracker/scripts/panalyzer.rc
[generic]                  276     538  51.3% -lh5- ca91 Jun 10  2000 GameTracker/scripts/quake/connect.rc
[generic]                  829    2568  32.3% -lh5- 28c3 Jul 18  2000 GameTracker/scripts/refresh.rc
[generic]                  475    2177  21.8% -lh5- fad3 Jul 18  2000 GameTracker/scripts/refresh_all.rc
[generic]                  483    2230  21.7% -lh5- 4c33 Jul 18  2000 GameTracker/scripts/refresh_noempty.rc
[generic]                  491    1447  33.9% -lh5- bea6 Jul 18  2000 GameTracker/scripts/return.rc
[generic]                  873    2670  32.7% -lh5- 0f60 Jul 18  2000 GameTracker/scripts/server.rc
[generic]                  121     141  85.8% -lh5- 0da7 May 11  2001 GameTracker/scripts/shogo/connect.rc
[generic]                  133     157  84.7% -lh5- c610 Jun 10  2000 GameTracker/scripts/sin/connect.rc
[generic]                  755    2336  32.3% -lh5- 1870 Jul 18  2000 GameTracker/scripts/sqoptions.rc
[generic]                  771    3372  22.9% -lh5- 619f Jul 18  2000 GameTracker/scripts/userfilter_all.rc
[generic]                  772    3422  22.6% -lh5- 86e1 Jul 18  2000 GameTracker/scripts/userfilter_noempty.rc
[generic]               157594  157594 100.0% -lh0- 47a5 Dec  5  1997 GameTracker/sounds/alert/alert.wav
[generic]                 8852    9758  90.7% -lh5- c7f6 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/sounds/click.wav
[generic]                68958  121030  57.0% -lh5- 52a2 Dec 11  1997 GameTracker/sounds/connect/lastdraw.wav
[generic]                80370   97652  82.3% -lh5- da4c Dec  5  1997 GameTracker/sounds/qstat/complete.wav
[generic]                31301   48100  65.1% -lh5- 78ef Dec 13  1997 GameTracker/sounds/quit/beavis.wav
[generic]                16310   28426  57.4% -lh5- aca6 Nov 21  1997 GameTracker/sounds/return/hail.wav
[generic]                65835   82780  79.5% -lh5- f9be Dec 13  1997 GameTracker/sounds/startup/hello.wav
[generic]                   57      57 100.0% -lh0- 2dd9 Jun  5  2000 GameTracker/templ/alert_map
[generic]                   74      74 100.0% -lh0- 9b3a Jun  5  2000 GameTracker/templ/alert_notfull
[generic]                   65      65 100.0% -lh0- 24a8 Jun  5  2000 GameTracker/templ/alert_players
[generic]                   25      25 100.0% -lh0- 67e0 Jun  5  2000 GameTracker/templ/h_temp
[generic]                   46      46 100.0% -lh0- 166d Jun  5  2000 GameTracker/templ/hn_temp
[generic]                   75      92  81.5% -lh5- 6b95 Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/templ/p_temp
[generic]                   24      24 100.0% -lh0- 2be0 Aug 20  2000 GameTracker/templ/panalyzer
[generic]                  135     187  72.2% -lh5- 5b5f Jun  5  2000 GameTracker/templ/pn_temp
[generic]                   74      76  97.4% -lh5- 9a2c May 29  2000 GameTracker/templ/rules
[generic]                  196     345  56.8% -lh5- 88f3 Jun 24  1992 GameTracker/templ/s_temp
[generic]                  293     652  44.9% -lh5- 4f0e Jun  5  2000 GameTracker/templ/sn_temp
[generic]                   78      83  94.0% -lh5- 6503 May 30  2000 GameTracker/templ/t_temp
[generic]                   38      38 100.0% -lh0- 159a Jun  2  2000 GameTracker/templ/tmap
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       253 files 1136417 1437721  79.0%            May 15  2001
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