LBreakout2 *NEW* AROS port from 2.6.1 sources available at: http://lgames.sourceforge.net/index.php?project=LBreakout2
This new AROS port has sound enabled (really nice stereo effects)
but network two player mode is disabled.
# From the author's description:
LBreakout2 is a breakout-style arcade game in the manner of Arkanoid.
Use your paddle to aim a ball at bricks until all bricks are destroyed. Lots of power-ups will help you with that task: extra balls, energy balls, extra lifes, weapons, glue, bonus floors, paddle expansion and extra score. Your best results are saved in a highscore chart.
More than 50 levels with loads of new bonuses (goldshower, joker, explosive balls, bonus magnet ...), maluses (chaos, darkness, weak balls, malus magnet ...) and special bricks (growing bricks, explosive bricks, regenerative bricks ...).
If you are hungry for more you can create your own levelsets with the integrated level editor. There is also an experimental two player mode (via LAN) available.
I am pleased to say that this game won the No Starch Press SDL Game Contest.
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