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Showing: m68k-amigaos icongeneric icon
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name: v version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
ProcurePens114.lha util/wb 601 30K 1994-03-17 m68k-amigaos icon Use more than 8 colors in WB3.0! V1.14 - (readme)
ProcessManager.lha 1.0 util/wb 618 26K 2001-12-30 m68k-amigaos icon Process manager with status and break - (readme)
ProcessIcon.lha 1.19 util/wb 1737 19K 2002-03-11 m68k-amigaos icon V1.19 CLI tool to manipulate icon data - (readme) 1.19 util/wb 516 24K 2007-09-20 i386-aros icon CLI tool to manipulate icon data - (readme)
PrefsCenterSP.lha 3.0.0 util/wb 850 6K 2010-10-20 generic icon PrefsCenter v1.2 spanish catalog - (readme)
PrefPointer.lha util/wb 639 1K 1998-08-01 m68k-amigaos icon Prefs for mouse (Pseudo Transparent) - (readme)
Preferences.lha 1.40 util/wb 1139 1.5M 2016-08-08 ppc-amigaos icon Prefs window for starting OS prefs - (readme)
PowerWB_src.lha util/wb 901 66K 2008-07-24 generic icon Sources for PowerWB, a cool WB enhancer - (readme)
PowerWB_HU.lha 1.00 util/wb 512 8K 1998-09-06 m68k-amigaos icon Hungarian translation for PowerWB. - (readme)
PowerWBfr.lha 1.0 util/wb 524 14K 1999-05-15 m68k-amigaos icon French catalog for PowerWB 0.5 - (readme)
PowerWB.lha 0.8 util/wb 1153 153K 1997-12-21 m68k-amigaos icon V0.8 Small but cool WB enhancer/improver - (readme)
powerreboot.lha 0.9 util/wb 413 175K 2024-06-24 ppc-amigaos icon Reboot and shutdown utility for Amiga... - (readme)
powericons_os4.lha 51.4 util/wb 1568 711K 2006-02-05 ppc-amigaos icon 32-bit PNG icons on your Amiga - (readme)
PowerIconsSrc.lha 1.06 util/wb 937 97K 2011-07-05 generic icon PowerIcons source code, last 68k release - (readme)
PowerIcons.lha 1.06 util/wb 6708 756K 2004-06-06 m68k-amigaos icon ppc-morphos icon NEW! 32bit PNG icons on your Amiga !!! (68K and MorphOS) - (readme)
Post_It.lha util/wb 503 119K 1999-02-13 m68k-amigaos icon Display a message when a date is reached. - (readme)
PosTitMUI.lha util/wb 573 21K 2004-02-15 m68k-amigaos icon Reminder note for your WB - (readme)
PosTED.lha 1.9 util/wb 934 129K 2005-10-10 m68k-amigaos icon V1.9 Cool PostIT! Style Reminder for WB - (readme)
popupmenu5.lha util/wb 1008 47K 1992-10-06 m68k-amigaos icon V5.0 of the program that pops up your menues. - (readme)
popper40.lha 4.0 util/wb 585 28K 1997-01-10 m68k-amigaos icon Pop-up menu for OS2.0, fixes deadlock problems. - (readme)
PopMenu.lha util/wb 657 27K 1990-08-15 m68k-amigaos icon Functions for handling pop-up menus. - (readme)
PointerPref.lha util/wb 669 1K 1998-06-01 m68k-amigaos icon Prefs for mouse - (readme)
PointerEyes4.4.lha util/wb 701 66K 1996-01-27 m68k-amigaos icon Eyes on screen titlebars watch your pointer. - (readme)
PointerEyes.lha 1.2 util/wb 823 101K 2020-11-08 m68k-amigaos icon ppc-amigaos icon i386-aros icon Eyes on your screen watch your pointer. - (readme)
PointerClick.lha util/wb 742 3K 1995-08-24 m68k-amigaos icon Animated \'pointing hand\' mousepointer - (readme)
PMV1.2.lha V1.2 util/wb 546 11K 1998-05-06 m68k-amigaos icon Super Launcher / No Win95 <= Just try it! - (readme)
Pixload-4.3a.lha 4.3 - freeware util/wb 923 1.3M 2004-04-12 generic icon A task bar/dock written with RXMui - (readme)
PixelPicker_sbar_fr.lha 1.1 util/wb 961 1K 2018-12-09 generic icon French catalog for PixelPicker screenbar - (readme)
PictureMenu_v2.lha util/wb 810 128K 1996-10-14 m68k-amigaos icon Add anim-pictures to WB menu (MagicWB-styl) - (readme)
PictSaver.lha 2.4 util/wb 581 15K 1992-01-31 m68k-amigaos icon Saves portion of screen as IFF-ILBM file. V2.4 - (readme)
Picticon_Port.lha 1.4 util/wb 682 3K 2005-03-23 generic icon Portuguese locale Catalog for Picticon v1.4 - (readme)
Picticon1_4.lha util/wb 754 135K 1995-06-08 m68k-amigaos icon Pictures into icons. OS3.0. NewIcons support - (readme)
Picticon14_HU.lha 1.4 util/wb 564 1K 2000-02-28 m68k-amigaos icon Hungarian (magyar) catalog for Picticon 1.4 - (readme)
PicSaver.lha 1.1 util/wb 566 15K 1991-11-10 m68k-amigaos icon Save rectangular portions of any screen. V1.1 - (readme)
PiCs.lha 1.1 util/wb 553 3K 1997-04-08 m68k-amigaos icon View Packed Files using GUI V1.1 - (readme)
PicRnd.lha util/wb 535 19K 1996-06-02 m68k-amigaos icon Changes WB Patterns at bootup - (readme)
PIconTools.lha 1.5 util/wb 1644 111K 2019-06-05 m68k-amigaos icon Various GUIs for managing icons - (readme)
PicIcon_1.03.lha util/wb 612 89K 1994-04-12 m68k-amigaos icon Makes Icon images from Image files. WB2+ - (readme)
PHZoom13.lha util/wb 558 6K 1996-02-27 m68k-amigaos icon Shortest zoomer of frontmost screen - (readme)
photoframe-docky.lha 51.3 util/wb 806 85K 2009-06-30 ppc-amigaos icon Display slideshows in AmiDock - (readme)
PerfWatch.lha 3.01 util/wb 583 6K 1996-01-23 m68k-amigaos icon Shows various performance ratings - (readme)
perciman_OS4.lha 0.7.5 util/wb 1123 2.0M 2022-08-01 ppc-amigaos icon manage contact and other information - (readme)
perciman_MOS.lha 0.7.5 util/wb 1179 1.6M 2022-08-01 ppc-morphos icon manage contact and other information - (readme)
perciman_AROS.lha 0.7.5 util/wb 601 1.7M 2022-08-01 i386-aros icon manage contact and other information - (readme)
perciman_68k.lha 0.7.5 util/wb 1489 1.5M 2022-08-01 m68k-amigaos icon manage contact and other information - (readme)
PeelNewTools.lha 1.5001 util/wb 636 17K 1996-06-10 m68k-amigaos icon Removes NewIcon tooltypes to speed up icons - (readme)
pchctl12.lha util/wb 879 8K 1995-05-17 m68k-amigaos icon PatchControl 1.2 - more control over patches - (readme)
pcami.lha 1.0 util/wb 496 5K 1998-09-25 m68k-amigaos icon PC to Amiga text converter. - (readme)
paths1_0.lha util/wb 572 79K 1993-03-11 m68k-amigaos icon A preference for paths (2.0 or higer) - (readme)
PathMan100.lha util/wb 571 40K 1993-09-25 m68k-amigaos icon Prefs editor for DOS paths - (readme)
Found 1236 matching packages
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